shows the list of the images
shows the docker containers running on the machine
shows the previous/most recent container created/exited from
deletes the docker image
this makes an image out of it (this id can be found by doing docker ps -l
or docker ps
. This gives new big image id
setting tag name for docker images by using their image id
starts up "my-image" image
starts a docker container with random name/tag
starts a docker container and removes the container when exited
this creates the container with name "any_name"
starts a docker container and exits after 5 seconds
starts a docker container, then runs sleep command and then runs echo command which prints out
starts a docker container and leaves it running in background
starts a docker container while exposing port 45678 and 45679 to both inside and outside container (-p <inside_port>:<outside_port>). This exposes TCP ports only
starts a docker container while exposing port 45678 and 45679 to both inside and outside container (-p <inside_port>:<outside_port>). This exposes UDP ports only
starts a docker container and connects to learning network (which must be created before connecting to it)
creates a volume which will contain the data of the directory you specify
creates a container with volume "shared-data" with name "hello"
creates a container which connects to the volume created by "hello" container
this connects to the docker container running in background
escape sequence which doesnt exit from the container but disconnects from it which leaves the container running in the background
starts another process inside the container (its more like, u can connect to the container from another termnal window
shows the log about the container (all the info about how it crashed, exited, what went wrong etc"
kills the container name (more like it exits from it)
removes the container from the docker list
shows all the open port for the container, both inside and outside port
shows the list of the docker network
creates "catsonly" server
creates a connection between "catsonly" server and "catserver" container
runs the docker file (builds it), the dot at the end says where to find the docker file to run
this creates a registry on port 5000 which maps to port 5000 of host with name registry creating an image from registry
this creates an archive (zip) of the images you put after specifying the name for the archive (another way of backing up docker images)
loads the images from the archive (zip) you specify
builds the docker file
runs the docker compose file in background
see logs in live for that container
connects to the terminal for docker compose
shuts down docker compose and removes them completely
shows all the docker processes
builds only that particular container with <name> defined in docker compose
restarts that particular container detached with <name>