The point of this project is to help you understand how commiting code would work in an actual work environment as well as to receive feedback on coding projects by way of code review.
First I think you should undestand what Git is and what a pull request is.
If you're reading this, you already are on "Git".
- Git is the most commonly used version control system today.
- GitHub is a free repository for Git projects. The most widely used by far.
- Version Control (VC) is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. -- The most common use for VC within a company beyond tracking is for collaboration. So that everyone can maintain the same set of code.
Each of you have been given a branch to work off of. We will be using what is called Trunk Based Development. If you want to get an in-depth understanding of what Trunk Based Development is and it's value, feel free to explore but I'll go over the cliff notes here.
I have created a "Trunk" (think tree) for each of you. They are named 'NameDevelop' this is the industry standard for the branch used during development. In a 2 trunk system you have Master and Develop. In this case Master is where I'll include things I think will be necessary to send to you, imagine your 'NameDevelop' branch is your personal Master branch.
Each time that you make a change to your 'NameDevelop' branch, you will create what is known as a Feature Branch for naming convention, we'll name them each INITIALS-Feature-ShortDescription I.E. NB-Feature-Lab1. Once you've gotten to a point where you think you've finished said feature, you'll request to merge the code into your 'NameDevelop' branch. We'll go step by step through a hypothetical soon.
This Pull Request will allow a reviewer to ensure that all changes done are intentionally. It also allows the reviewer to do a Code Review where they can leave comments and give teaching points (I'm important!).
I'll add more here as you ask.