A skeleton for new projects prepared to become large applications Ready to deploy on Heroku
Common models for document and image uploads, user addresses, and notes
Use django-simple-history to keep record of historical model state on every create/update/delete
Model Behaviors, Inspired by Kevin Stone's Django Model Behaviors.
- Authorable: add assign user as author/creator and toggle public anonymity
- Annotatable: add authored notes to any model
- Expirable: set validitidy and expiration dates
- Permalinkable: set url slug and define url pattern (great for blog posts or user profiles)
- Publishable: set dates for publishing and editing
- Timestampable: created_at and modified_at dates - great to add on all models (Rails has this on all models by default)
- Uploadable: connect a model dircetly to all your file uploading features (great for documents
Communication App Models
- Slack, Telegram
Enhanced Default User Model
- email verification
- can use phone number instead of email for login, password reset
- check has agreed to latest legal T&C
- OTP code
- Facebook login tokens
Common Utilities
- AWS S3 and SQS connection methods
- multithreading - see related SO answer
- WritableSerializerMethodField for Django Rest Framework
- WhoIs domain lookups
- Transloadit integration methods
- Auth tokens for JWT
- Wordwide language codes for your L11N
- Iommi classes
- How to install docker
- go to this page
and Follow first step
- How to run develop environment
docker-compose up --build
- How to stop develop environment
docker-compose stop
- How to shell to develop environment
docker-compose exec web bash
- How to run test
docker-compose exec web python manage.py test
- Install new pagkage in requirement.txt have to build docker again(ps. It like a vagrant destroy and vagrant up again, all data gone)
docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build
- Check test coverage
- shell to docker
docker-compose exec web bash
- run test coverage
coverage run manage.py test
- see report
coverage report
- Ps you can run on your host sever for example
docker-compose exec web coverage run manage.py test