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Mythril Drill Upgrades

Noaaan edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

Upgrade your drill by putting these items in a smithing table.

This is not reversible! Think carefully before upgrading!

Item Description Relevant Versions
Enchanted Midas Gold Block Golden Luck - Gives you +2 Luck while holding the drill, and randomly drops raw gold when breaking an ore. 0.18.0+
Prometheum Bouquet Slowly repairs the durability of the drill. 0.18.0+
Aquarium Pearl Aqua Affinity - Increases your mining speed underwater, and restores a small amount of air when breaking an ore. 0.17.0+
Stormyx Shell Banglum Defuser - Drastically reduces the chance of Banglum exploding. 0.17.0+
Carmot Stone +1 Fortune - Increases the level of Fortune on your drill by one level. 0.18.0+

Legacy Upgrades

Item Description Relevant Versions
Prometheum Block Slowly repairs the durability of the drill. 0.17.0 to 0.17.6
Midas Gold Block Golden Luck - Gives you +1 Luck while holding the drill, and randomly drops raw gold when breaking an ore. 0.17.0 to 0.17.6
Carmot Block +1 Fortune - Increases the level of Fortune on your drill by one level. 0.17.0 to 0.17.6