[1.21.1] Mythic Metals - 0.22.0
Texture Changes
Most of these are made by thyreo. Thanks again for awesome new textures!
- Kyber Tools
- Quadrillum Tools
- Runite and Tipped Runite Arrows
- Star Platinum Arrows
- Raw Kyber Block (New!)
- Hallowed Ingot and Nugget
- Platinum Watch
- Prometheum Bouquet
- This item will likely be renamed in the future
- Raw Prometheum (New!)
- Raw Silver (New!)
- Raw Midas Gold (New!)
- Royal Midas Gold Sword Smithing Template
- Quadrillum Ingot
- Updated the Chinese Translations (#279, big thanks to VeriTas-arch!)
- Unobtainium Blocks and Ores are now of uncommon rarity
- Added compat with Sword Blocking Mechanics (#280)
- The Aegis and Midas Gold Swords are now present in the
tag - Empty slot textures now match new tool shapes
- Updated the Prometheum Auto Repair Component handling
- No longer checks for
- Will check for items in the
tag - Armor buff only applies items extending
- Tool buff only applies to non-armor items which hold the
- No longer checks for
Balancing changes
- Alloying Steel from Ingots gives you 2 Ingots instead of 1 (parity with Alloy Forgery)
- Alloying Steel from Raw Ores gives you 2 Ingots instead of 1 (parity with Alloy Forgery)
- Alloying Steel from Raw Ores gives you 3 Ingots for tier 2+ Forges
- Forging Carmot from Raw Ores and Ingots now only require a tier 1 Forge
- Forging Kyber from Raw Ores and Ingots now only require a tier 1 Forge
- Forging Osmium from Raw Ores and Ingots now only require a tier 1 Forge
- Forging Platinum from Raw Ores and Ingots now only require a tier 1 Forge
- Forging Prometheum from Raw Ores and Ingots now only require a tier 1 Forge
- Increased the base damage of Osmium Tools: 2.5 -> 3.0
- Increased the base damage of Steel Tools: 2.5 -> 3.0
- Increased the base damage of Tidesinger Tools: 3.0 -> 4.0
- Increased the mining speed of Tidesinger Tools: 8.5 -> 9.0
- Increased the enchantability of Tidesinger Tools: 16 -> 18
Mythril Drill Recipe Rework
- Mythril Drill upgrades are now applied in a Smithing Table
- Added a generic "mythicmetals:upgrading" Smithing Table Recipe Type
- Added a
tag- Note that translations are still derived from the Item, and not by the Upgrade Component
- Added an experimental change to the Smithing Table which makes the arrow red when trying to add duplicate upgrades
Palladium Minecart and Palladium Rails
- Added a Palladium Minecart
- This cool ride made out of five Palladium Ingots will keep you fireproof while riding in it
- Functions via the "mythicmetals:grants_fire_resistance_while_riding" entity type tag
- Added Palladium Rails
- These are Fireproof Rails which are crafted from Palladium
- Work as Powered Rails when lavalogged
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Tidesingers Water Speed bonus applying on all armor
- Fixed Midas Gold Swords and the Orichalcum Hammer having the wrong attack speed
- Fixed a bad tag reference for common armor, which broke the Prometheum bonuses (#283)
- Fix a missing lang entry for the Banglum TNT Minecart Entity