[1.21.1] Mythic Metals - 0.21.0
Texture Changes
Most of these are made by thyreo. Thanks a ton for the great work on the textures!
Anything marked with "New!" replaces a placeholder texture.
The rest are reworks of existing textures.
- Adamantite Tools
- Banglum Tools (New!)
- Bronze Tools
- Carmot Tools
- Copper Tools
- Hallowed Tools
- Mythril Drill
- Now includes an animation when active!
- Mythril Tools
- Osmium Tools (New!)
- Orichalcum Tools
- Palladium Tools (New!)
- Prometheum Tools
- Runite Tools
- Star Platinum Tools
- Steel Tools
- Stormyx Tools
- Banglum Anvil
- Banglum Block (New!)
- Banglum Nuke Core (New!)
- Banglum TNT (New!)
- Durasteel Block
- Steel Block (New!)
- Placeholders for Carmot and Quadrillum Nuke Cores
- Raw Aquarium texture (New!)
- Raw Banglum texture
- Raw Carmot texture
- Starrite Ore Blocks
- Carmot Stone texture
- Carmot Template
- Hallowed Armor Items
- Legendary Banglum Template
- Midas Gold Folding Template
- Midas Gold Ingot
- Palladium Ingot
- Prometheum Armor Items
Aquarium Resonator
A new experimental block which builds on Conduits.
This works like a small Beacon as long as it is within the range of an active Conduit.
It grants you Beacon Power II, which works like Haste II plus Water Breathing.
Balancing Changes
- Branding now always applies on a critical hit
- Adjusted some alloy recipes
- Bronze: 2 Copper + 1 Tin = 2 Bronze Ingots -> 3 ingots
- Durasteel: 1 Quadrillum + 1 Manganese = 1 Durasteel Ingot -> 2 ingots
- Steel
- Tier 1 -> 1 Raw Iron + 1 Raw Manganese = 1 Steel Ingot
- Tier 2 -> 2 Steel Ingots
- Tier 3+ -> 3 Steel Ingots
Other Changes
- Updated wiki-exporting commands
- Removed explicit Elytra-handling with the Hallowed Cape renderer
- This fixes a bug related to cape stopping rendering when close to Elytras
- This might cause some minor visual bugs if wearing an Elytra using something like Elytra Slot
- Needs further testing
- Fixed a bug where Branding would not apply
- Fixed Aquarium and Tidesinger Underwater Mining Speed bonuses
- Aquarium Tools now grants +100% underwater mining speed
- Aquarium Helmet now grants +100% underwater mining speed
- Tidesinger Tools now grants +150% underwater mining speed