A TamperMonkey Script for downloading PDF from lecturenotes.in for free*.
*Only Non-Prime Notes can be downloaded.- get tampermonkey video tutorial -> https://www.tampermonkey.net/faq.php#Q100
- go to https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/414016-lecturenotes-dl and click "install this script" button
- A new page opens, click the install button
- the Script is now installed.
- Now Go to any lecturenotes.in Notes and click "read now"
- A download button
will appear in top right (the script injects that button into the website), click it to start download.
Follow the steps carefully (this is a onetime setup)
Download the ungoogled chromium browser with extension support apk from here: https://uc.droidware.info/extension.html (select ARM64, rest be default option) and install it.
After Install, open the app, go to this url
and change it to Always prompt for install -
Restart the app
Next Install violetmonkey chrome extension (alternative to tampermonkey): https://violentmonkey.github.io/get-it/, Click the Chrome Web Store Version. Click Add to Chrome (button missing? check the notes below).
It will download a .crx extension file, then it prompts you to install it, click install.
Now that the extension is installed, Now get the lecturenotes downloader userscript from: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/414016-lecturenotes-dl, and click "install this script" button.
The Script is Now installed, Now go to any lecturenotes.in notes, there will be a download button visible.
when you click on links in the browser, sometimes the link may open in the background, and you may need to switch the tabs manually.
If the mobile version of website doesn't work correctly, try switching to desktop mode.
For Example, the mobile version of chrome web store doesn't show the Add to chrome button, you will need to switch to desktop mode.
Try clearing the website's cache then try again.
still not working? try clearing the whole browsers cache, then follow the above steps again.
Force Stop the app