- virtualenv leaveenv --python=python3
- source leaveenv/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py createsuperuser
- python manage.py runserver
You can use it at https://lms-nilansh.herokuapp.com/
Username: nilansh Email: [email protected] Password: Hello@123
Username: [email protected] Password: Hello@123
Username: [email protected] Password: Hello@123
- Superuser can create or remove any Manager and Executive.
- Manager can add an executive. Manager can only remove an Executive added by him.
- Executive requests for leave and selects for the manager to approve.
- Manager can only view and change the status of the requests which are raised to him.
- Executive can only view and edit the requests raised by him.
- Executive cannot add or remove other executives.
- Manager cannot add or remove other managers.