Tool to check for asteroids approaching earth so that we can send up Bruce Willis to blow it up. It uses Nasa's public 'Near Earth Object' API - found on First an initial query is done on the 'Neo - Feed' API to get a list of IDs and names of asteroids near to earth. Secondly full information is retrieved for all the asteroid IDs retreived, in separate rest queries (Neo - Lookup).
There's two application classes - App doing main initialization and the first Feed query, which it gives to the ApprachDetector. This one iterates through the list and retrieves fly-by data (distance, date, speed etc). The 10 closest fly-byes are shown in the terminal. In the .../model directory there's 8 datamodel classes, however theses are simple POJOs with no logic, should be self-explained.
The app works with default credentials, but will be significantly throttled. If you do repeated executions, we recommend signing up for an API key at, and setting the environment variable "API_KEY" to this value.
./gradlew build
./gradlew run