This app was meant to support the Mt. Pleasant Mixtape initiative. It uses Rails on the backend and Angular on the front end. One major goal was to have a music player that stayed with you (uninterrupted) as you browsed the bands, which is why we used Angular. I didn't do the design! All props go to Spence Nelson. Has a nice active admin cms backend too. Unfortunately the whole thing never really came together (thus the unrelated playlist in the menu player) but it was a lot of fun to work on.
See how far it came here: http://mt-pleasant-mixtape.herokuapp.com/#/homepage
Install homebrew
(Note: it will direct you to install the Apple Xcode command line tools)
brew install git
Install rvm
rvm install 2.0.0-p353
brew install postgres
run the two commands at the end of the brew install output (or run `brew info postgres` to see the message again)
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
git clone https://github.com/NickPapacostas/mt-pleasant-mixtape.git
cd mt-pleasant-mixtape
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake secret
(replace OUTPUT_OF_LAST_COMMAND with result of rake secret)
rake db:drop:all db:create:all db:schema:load
rake db:seed
If the seed fails, running db:reset instead may work:
rake db:reset
heroku pgbackups:url
navigate to the that url (in a browser)
mkdir tmp
mv ~/Downloads/DUMP_ID.dump tmp/production.dump
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d mt_pleasant_mixtape_development tmp/production.dump
rails s
navigate to localhost:3000