This is an open-book checkpoint practice focusing on building a simple TODO ruby app using ActiveRecord with SQL database.
The test is to ensure that you are familiar with the basics of ActiveRecord, and how it works with database (sqlite3 in this case) using Ruby.
- FORK this repo out by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right side of the GitHub page.
$ cd ~/Desktop
- Git clone your own forked repo.
$ git clone <your repo address>
- Navigate into the repo.
$ cd <repo-name>
- Start writing your code on "todo.rb" file
Remember to commit small and often. Some good references:
$ git add .
$ git commit
- i
- Write your commit message
- Esc
- :wq!
$ git push origin master
$ruby todo.rb --add <Description> <Status>
$ ruby todo.rb --add "buy groceries" "undone"
$ ruby todo.rb --add "fuel my car" "undone"
$ ruby todo.rb --list
No. Description Status
=== =========== =====
1. Buy Groceries Undone
2. Fuel My Car Undone
ruby todo.rb --update <No.> <Description> <Status>
This will update the task description with the mentioned task number. If the task is not found, a friendly error should be raised.
$ ruby todo.rb --list
No. Description Status
=== =========== =====
1. Buy Groceries Undone
2. Fuel My Car Undone
$ ruby todo.rb --update 1 "Buy Fruits" "Done"
$ ruby todo.rb --list
No. Description Status
=== =========== =====
1. Buy Fruits Done
2. Fuel My Car Undone
$ ruby todo.rb --update 4
> Task number 4 is not found. Are you sure that this is the right task number?
ruby todo.rb --remove <No.>
This will delete the task with the corresponding number from the list. If the task is not found, a friendly error should be raised.
$ ruby todo.rb --list
No. Description Status
=== =========== =====
1. Buy Groceries Done
2. Fuel My Car Undone
$ ruby todo.rb --remove 1
$ ruby todo.rb --list
No. Description Status
=== =========== =====
1. Fuel My Car Undone
$ ruby todo.rb --remove 3
> Task number 3 is not found. Are you sure that this is the right task number?
- Take note of the Task number. Upon deletion, it should be SELF-UPDATED in an ascending order. Hmm, but changing the task's id inside your database is never a good idea. How can you self-update the number without changing the task's id?
At the end of this assessment, you should be able to:
1) Understand how ARGV works
2) Apply ActiveRecord and Sqlite3 into ruby application
** WITHOUT using SQL statement (refer Rakefile)
3) Able to create SQL database
4) Able to perform schema migration
5) Able to explore sqlite3 database
6) Able to CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE (CRUD) data into SQL database
7) Able to rename files correctly (capitalization, camel case etc)