Live demo here.
WorkAdventure is a web-based collaborative workspace presented in the form of a 16-bit video game.
In WorkAdventure you can move around your office and talk to your colleagues (using a video-chat system, triggered when you approach someone).
See more features for your virtual office:
go GitHub in official depot clone all project link GitHub go in folder project set up new remote ([email protected]:Tristancals/workadventure.git for me)
git clone
cd workadventure
git add remote <remote_name> <your_link_to_our_own_depot_git>
checkout on tag v1.15.6 this version work fine put it on your new branch (main for me) and go on it
git checkout v1.15.6
git branch <branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name>
push this branch on my own depot
git push -u <remote_name>
now normally you have repository with good version of project
my remote server OS debian 11 install some utils maybe you need more
sudo -i
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install git -y
apt install docker docker-compose -y
for clone my repository
apt install openssh-server
ssh-keygen -t rsa
and go in GitHub for set your new ssh key.. (google ^^as your friend) clone your project
git clone <your_link_to_our_own_depot_git>
go in your domain name supplier
setup new subdomain for your domain name with *.workadventure for accept all type of subdomain at workadventure
(ip server.. )
copy <project_folder>/contrib/docker/ in <project_folder>/.env
cp contrib/docker/ .env
setup value
11 SECRET_KEY=<random_string>
24 DOMAIN=workadventure.<domaine_name>
29 FRONT_HOST=play.workadventure.<domaine_name>
30 CHAT_HOST=chat.workadventure.<domaine_name>
31 PUSHER_HOST=play.workadventure.<domaine_name>
32 BACK_HOST=api.workadventure.<domaine_name>
33 MAP_STORAGE_HOST=map-storage.workadventure.<domaine_name>
34 MAPS_HOST=maps.workadventure.<domaine_name>
35 ICON_HOST=icon.workadventure.<domaine_name>
36 UPLOADER_HOST=uploader.workadventure.<domaine_name>
37 EJABBERD_HOST=ejabberd.workadventure.<domaine_name>
# depot of map was changed no more .json... but tmj
56 START_ROOM_URL=/_/global/
#used for pull good tag of docker images
62 VERSION=v1.15.6
118 EJABBERD_DOMAIN=ejabberd.workadventure.<domaine_name>
121 EJABBERD_WS_URI=wss://ejabberd.workadventure.<domaine_name>:5443/ws
copy <project_folder>/contrib/docker/ in <project_folder>/docker-compose.yaml you can copy docker-compose.yaml in docker-compose.yaml.bak for make save..
cp docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml.bak
cp /contrib/docker/ docker-compose.yaml
image: thecodingmachine/workadventure-back:${VERSION}
# - PLAY_URL=https://${PLAY_HOST} <== ERROR TYPO
- PLAY_URL=https://${FRONT_HOST} # <== GOOD TYPO
build and run project -d for detach cmd window
docker-compose up -d
logs for see log of build and run for debug
docker-compose logs -f
Check out resources developed by the WorkAdventure community at awesome-workadventure
The way you set up your production environment will highly depend on your servers.
We provide a production ready docker-compose
file that you can use as a good starting point in the contrib/docker directory.
Note These installation instructions are for local development only. They will not work on remote servers as local environments do not have HTTPS certificates.
Install Docker and clone this repository.
Warning If you are using Windows, make sure the End-Of-Line character is not modified by the cloning process by setting the
setting to false:git config --global core.autocrlf false
cp .env.template .env
docker-compose up
The environment will start.
You should now be able to browse to http://play.workadventure.localhost/ and see the application. You can view the Traefik dashboard at http://traefik.workadventure.localhost
Note: on some OSes, you will need to add this line to your /etc/hosts
/etc/hosts oidc.workadventure.localhost redis.workadventure.localhost play.workadventure.localhost chat.workadventure.localhost traefik.workadventure.localhost xmpp.workadventure.localhost extra.workadventure.localhost icon.workadventure.localhost map-storage.workadventure.localhost uploader.workadventure.localhost maps.workadventure.localhost api.workadventure.localhost front.workadventure.localhost
You can also start WorkAdventure + a test OpenID connect server using:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-oidc.yaml up
(Test user is "User1" and his password is "pwd")
See our troubleshooting guide.