This repository is deprecated. It depends on packages from OpenBCI that only work with nodejs v9, which causes significant security vulnerabilities. Use at your own risk.
- The program must be run on a Windows computer. Linux and Mac are untested. Safari will not work because it does not allow unsecure websockets.
- It is NOT required to install nodejs beforehand. If you wish to work on the project, rebuild, or run in an IDE, keep in mind that you must use Node v9.11.2 and npm v5.6.0. The node is included and used by the bat file to run the program - npm is not included, and you'll have to get it separately from here - use the msi installer for windows - (includes the correct version of both node and npm).
- It is recommended that a web browser be installed on the computer, preferably chrome. Other browsers not tested.
- Only Cyton boards will work - though the program can be used without a board.
- Clone this repo, or download and extract the zip from Github (there is no longer a separate release zip file)
To start the program, run the start.bat file and open up a web browser to localhost:3000.
The indicators in the top left show whether the browser has succesfully connected to the program, and whether the program has successfully connected to the board.
The table in the center shows information about each channel and options that can be changed per channel.
The settings pannel shows items that apply globally.
Any of the three panels can be toggled with the buttons in the top row.
The background of the slider in the Threshold section shows the current level of input. Use the + and - buttons to increase and decrease the scale, especially if the input exceeds the width of the slider.
Click anywhere on a slider to set a threshold. When the input exceeds this threshold, the action will be completed.
In "average" mode, the input will be the absolute average of the last x samples, where x is determined by the Threshold Parameter.
In "max" mode, the input will be the absolute maximum of the last x samples, where x is determined by the Threshold Parameter.
In "last" mode, the input will be the most recent sample.
The action column allows you to select which key is pressed (simulated keyboard input) when the input exceeds the threshold.
The action type column allows you to select whether the key is toggled, tapped, or feathered.
In "toggle" mode, the keyDown event will fire when the threshold is exceeded, and the keyUp event will fire when the input falls back below the threshold.
In "tap" mode, the keyPress event will fire when the threshold is exceeded.
In "feather" mode, the keyPress event will fire several times per second while the input is greater than the threshold.
"Advanced" mode will toggle numeric data for each channel.
If "Allow Simulator" is checked, the program will use simulated OpenBCI data in the absence of a Cyton board.
The Reconnect button will destroy the existing board connection and attempt to reconnect to the board or, if allowed, the simulator.