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Lightweight genetic algorithm library wtitten in С# with ability to customize operators and define own


Define gene, chromosome and fitness function

Fitness function higher values treated as better. Calculate fintess can return any values even negative. Except if you use RouletteWheelSelection, in that case values need to be more than zero.

class MyGene : IGene {

    public int Value;
    public MyGene(int value) {
        Value = value;

class MyChromosome : IChromosome {

    public double? Fitness { get; set; }
    public int Length { get; }
    public int[] Values;

    public MyChromosome(int[] values) {
        Values = values;
        Length = Values.Length;

    public IChromosome Clone() {
        var chromosome = new MyChromosome(Values);
        chromosome.Fitness = Fitness;
        return chromosome;

    public void SetGene(int index, IGene gene) {
        Values[index] = ((MyGene)gene).Value;

    public IGene GetGene(int index) {
        return new MyGene(Values[index]);

class MyFitness : IFitness {

    public double CalculateFitness(IChromosome chromosome) {
        var myChromosome = (MyChromosome) chromosome;
        int counter = 0;
        // for example count how many neighbout numbers differ by only 1
        for (int i = 0; i < myChromosome.Length - 1; i++) {
             if (Math.Abs(myChromosome.Values[i] - myChromosome.Values[i + 1]) == 1) {
        return counter;


Define chromosome validator (optional)

class MyChromosomeValidator : IChromosomeValidator {

    public bool Validate(IChromosome chromosome) {
        var myChromosome = (MyChromosome) chromosome;
        // some validation logic here
        return true;


Define chromosome and gene factory

It can be two separate classes or just one single class

class MyChromosomeFactory : IChromosomeFactory, IGeneFactory {

    private int count;
    private int maxValue;
    private int minValue;
    private Random random;

    public MyChromosomeFactory(int count, int minValue, int maxValue, Random random) {
        this.count = count;
        this.minValue = minValue;
        this.maxValue = maxValue;
        this.random = random;
    private int GenerateGene(int index) {
        return random.Next(minValue, maxValue);

    public IGene CreateGene(int index) {
        return new MyGene(GenerateGene(index));

    public IChromosome CreateChromosome() {
        var values = new int[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            values[i] = GenerateGene(i);
        return new MyChromosome(values);

Creating chromosome and gene factories

var chromosomeFactory = new MyChromosomeFactory(10, -5, 5, new Random());
var geneFactory = chromosomeFactory;

Creating algorithm options

var options = new GeneticAlgorithmOptions {

    // factory that will be used for creating new chromosomes
    ChromosomeFactory = chromosomeFactory,

    // number of chromosomes in generation
    GenerationSize = 20,

    // chance that selected parent will be crossed to create new chromosomes
    CrossoverProbability = 0.8,

    // chance that chromosomes created by crossover will be mutated
    MutationProbability = 0.1,

    // how long continue to run algorithm if best chromosome fitness is not changing
    // [optional]
    // default value: 50
    TerminateUnchangedGenetarionsCount = 50,

    // fitness function
    Fitness = new MyFitness(),

    // selection operator
    Selection = new EliteSelection(),
    // Selection = new RouletteWheelSelection(new Random()),
    // Selection = new TournamentSelection(new Random(), roundSize: 3),

    // parent selection operator
    ParentSelection = new RandomParentSelection(new Random()),
    // ParentSelection = new InbreedingParentSelection(new Random()),

    // crossover operator
    Crossover = new SinglePointCrossover(chromosomeFactory, new Random()),
    // Crossover = new MultiPointCrossover(chromosomeFactory, new Random(), pointsCount: 3),

    // mutation operator
    Mutation = new RandomMutation<MyGene>(geneFactory, new Random()),
    // Mutation = new SwapMutation<MyGene>(new Random()),
    // Mutation = new ReverseMutation<MyGene>(new Random()),

    // [optional]
    // default value: EmptyValidator
    Validator = new MyChromosomeValidator(),

    // delegate function (event) that will be executed after each algorithm iteration
    // [optional]
    OnAfterIteration = (generation) => {
        // output generation chromosomes for example


Creating and running genetic algorithm

// creting genetic algorithm
ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(options);

// alowed to set after iteration delegate from here also
ga.OnAfterIteration += (generation) => {
    // ...

// running algorithm

// getting result
int generationsCount = ga.GenerationsCount;
var bestChromosome = (MyChromosome) ga.BestChromosome;

Islands genetic algorithm


Selection operators


Takes best chromosomes of generation determined by fintess function

RouletteWheelSelection(Random random)

Picks chromosomes from a wheel, where probability is proportional to fintess function, until number of chromosomes in new generation match required generation size

TournamentSelection(Random random, int roundSize)

roundSize: Number of chromosomes participating in each tournament round

Takes winner chromosome (by fitness function) to new generation from each tournament round until new generation match required generation size. Participants are picked randomly (so same chromosome can be taken multiple times, though Clone method will guarantee unique chromosome instances in new generation)

Parent selection operators

RandomParentSelection(Random random)


InbreedingParentSelection(Random random)


Crossover operators

SinglePointCrossover(IChromosomeFactory factory, Random random)

factory: chromosome factory


MultiPointCrossover(IChromosomeFactory factory, Random random, int pointsCount)

factory: chromosome factory

pointsCount: number of chromosome split points


Mutation operators

RandomMutation(IGeneFactory factory, Random random)

factory: gene factory


SwapMutation(Random random)


ReverseMutation(Random random)


Defining custom operators



С# Genetic algorithm library







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