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Predicting protein inter-chain residue distances from sequences irrespective of paired MSA.


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ResNetPPI: Predicting protein inter-chain residue distances from sequences irrespective of paired MSA

[email protected] (ORCID: 0000-0002-2761-3291)

A lab rotation project. Under development from 2021.12 to 2022.1.




  • accept variable input size
    • protein of any length
    • any number of homologous sequences
  • does not rely on paired MSA, thus it can predict cross-species protein interaction


Data Resources

Input Features

  • Protein Sequence * 2
    • build MSA via HHblits if possible
    • onehot encoding of amino acid type (20+gap+X)*2 + (hydrophoblic+hydrophilic)*2

Fitting Targets

Fitting Targets (i.e. Inter-chain Cβ-Cβ Distance Map) Examples

NOTE: Cα for GLY

PDB Inter-chain Cβ-Cβ Distance Map pdb_id human chain virus chain len(human chain) len(virus chain)
3wwt A B 123 107
1im3 E H 275 95
6bvv A B 416 24
4rf1 B A 75 321
6e5x B A 13 127

Real-valued distances are discretely binned:

  • from 2Å to 20Å
  • with bin size of 0.5Å
  • 36 bins + 1 bin for $[20, +\infty)$

Network Architecture

  • ResNet1D
    • 1d residual block: ((Conv1d + BatchNorm1d) + ELU + (Conv1d + BatchNorm1d)) (+) ELU
    • 8 1d-blocks (64 channels)
  • ResNet2D
    • 2d residual block: ((Conv2d + BatchNorm2d) + ELU + (Conv2d + BatchNorm2d)) (+) ELU
    • 16 2d-blocks (96 channels), cycling through dilations $(1,2,4,8)$
  • (mini-)batch size: 1
  • Cross-entropy Loss

Model Design

  • for each protein sequence (of length $L$) search homologous sequences and input the MSA (of size $K$) if possible, otherwise input the single sequence
    • use original MSA to calculate the weight $w_k$ for each homologous sequence, $w_k=\frac{1}{\text{count}(\text{sequence with identity}\ge 0.8)}$
    • calculate $M_\text{eff}=\sum_{k}^{K}w_k$
  • MSA Encoding: perform onehot-encoding for each pairwise alignment ($2\times L_k$, consider both insertion and deletion: $\rightarrow 48\times L_k$)
    • onehot-encoding including 22+2 channels for the reference sequence, 22+2 channels for the homologous sequence
    • 22: 20 amino acid types + 1 gap + 1 unknown type
    • 2: 1 hydrophoblic + 1 hydrophilic
    • for the single sequence input, all the homologous related channels are filled with the reference sequence's corresponding values
    • hence we get ${48\times L_k, k\in K}$
  • MSA Embedding: for each encoded pairwise alignment, feed into the ResNet1D and get embedded pairwise alignment ($64\times L_k$)
    • hence we get ${64\times L_k, k\in K}$
    • omit the insertion region of the homologous sequences, thus we can get a $K\times 64 \times L$ tensor
      • $x_k\in R^{64\times L}$
      • $x_k(i) \in R^{64}$
  • Paired Evolution Aggregation
    • calculate one body term
      • $f_1(i)=\frac{1}{M_{\text{eff}{1}}}\sum{k}^{K_1}w_{1_k} x_{1_k}(i)$
      • $f_2(j)=\frac{1}{M_{\text{eff}{2}}}\sum{k}^{K_2}w_{2_k} x_{2_k}(j)$
    • apply max function
      • $A(i,c) = \max{x_k(i,c), k \in K}$, c: channel; $A \in R^{64\times L}$
    • calculate two body term
      • $s(i,j) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{M_{\text{eff}{1}}\cdot M{\text{eff}_{2}}}}[A_1(i)\otimes A_2(j)], s(i,j)\in R^{64\times 64}$
    • concatenate
      • $h(i,j) = \text{concat}(f_1(i), f_2(j), s(i,j)), h(i,j)\in R^{4224}$
  • Inter-chain Distance Estimation
    • feed the $R^{4224 \times L_1\times L_2}$ tensor into the ResNet2D
    • convert the ResNet2D outputs into the discrete distance distribution $37 \times L_1 \times L_2$ throught a (Conv2d+BatchNorm2d+ELU) layer

During Training

  • randomly sample 1000 homologous sequences if $K > 1000$
  • randomly crop the distance matrix into $64 \times 64$ shape
    • for those input sequences of length $\le 64$, keep their original length
  • loss function ignore those missing residues of PDB structure
    • definition of missing
      1. complete without any modeled atoms for a residue
      2. GLY without Cα atom
      3. non-GLY without Cβ atom and without any anchoring atoms (Cα, N, C) that can infer Cβ atom

Current Training and Validation Results

Dataset Preparation

  • training dataset (362)
  • validation dataset (100)

NOTE: the datasets have not been carefully curated, they just serve as demo inputs for training and validation. Thus the training and validation results are just a demonstration of the model's learning ability.


  • increase mini-batch size
  • multiple GPU training
  • improve archi

Hardware & Software Prerequisites

  • Hardware (tested)
    • GPU: NVIDIA Tesla T4 (16G)
    • CUDA Version: 11.2
  • Software
    • Python 3.8 or later in a conda environment
    • PyTorch and other Python packages: see requirements


I would like to thank Jinyuan Guo and Prof. Huaiqiu Zhu for their helpful discussions and provide me with devices to develop this project.

Reference Papers

base on these papers


Apache-2.0 License


Predicting protein inter-chain residue distances from sequences irrespective of paired MSA.




