To run the car and drivers restful service, you will need the correct version of Java and a build tool. You can build Play projects with any Java build tool. Since sbt takes advantage of Play features such as auto-reload.
Prerequisites include:
- Java Software Developer's Kit (SE) 1.8 or higher
- sbt 1.2.0 or higher (I recommend 1.3.4) the file includes an sbt distribution for your convenience.
To check your Java version, enter the following in a command window:
java -version
To check your sbt version, enter the following in a command window:
sbt sbtVersion
If you do not have the required versions, follow these links to obtain them:
To build and run the project:
Use a command window to change into the example project directory, for example:
cd car-driver-service
Build the project. Enter:
sbt run
. The project builds and starts the embedded HTTP server. Since this downloads libraries and dependencies, the amount of time required depends partly on your connection's speed. -
After the message
Server started, ...
displays, enter the following URL in a browser: http://localhost:9000/api/v1/cars
The Play application responds: { "statusCode": 401, "statusTitle": "unauthorized", "message": "Invalid/missing authorization key. Ensure you include valid authorization key in request header." }
Generate authorization token from the endpoint: http://localhost:9000/api/v1/authorization/generate-key - attach a raw json object to the request e.g
{ "name" : "John Doe", "email" : "[email protected]" }
. the response should contain the authorization token. ensure you copy it. -
Attach the generated token as a header authorization key across all requests (Preferably use postman to test).
Swagger interface is integrated in the project. once the project runs successfully, you can access swagger-ui from the URL : http://localhost:9000/docs/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/assets/swagger.json#/
You can get the list of endpoints in swagger Ui also.
To create driver , add raw json object to the request e.g
{ "username" : "doe111", "password" : "12345", "age" : 45, "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "onlineStatus" : "Online", "contactNumber" : "0815558555u", "gender" : "Male" }
To create car, add raw json object to the request e.g
{ "licencePlate": "Jyc-eee", "convertible": "Yes", "rating": 5, "engineType": "Electric", "colour": "Blue", "model": "2020", "manufacturer": "Innoson", "speedLimit": "360km/h" }
To select/deselect car, add raw json object to their endpoints e.g
{ "carId" : 1, "driverId" : 2 }
To update both car, add json payload to request e.g
"licencePlate": "Jyc-eee", "convertible": "Yes", "rating": 5, "engineType": "Electric", "colour": "Blue", "model": "2020", "manufacturer": "Innoson", "speedLimit": "360km/h" }
To update driver, add raw json object to the request e.g
{ "username" : "doe111", "password" : "12345", "age" : 45, "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "onlineStatus" : "Online", "contactNumber" : "0815558555u", "gender" : "Male" }
To search for driver pass in any of the query parameters e.g :
,onlineStatus=Online or Offline