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MDL-58266 core_completion: update code review feedback
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hieuvu committed Jun 15, 2022
1 parent f7b1393 commit 5c26538
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Showing 13 changed files with 248 additions and 76 deletions.
49 changes: 43 additions & 6 deletions backup/moodle2/backup_stepslib.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1287,28 +1287,65 @@ protected function define_structure() {

$completions = new backup_nested_element('completions');

$completion = new backup_nested_element('completion', ['id'], ['userid', 'completionstate', 'timemodified']);
$completionview = new backup_nested_element('completion_viewed', ['id'], ['userid', 'viewed']);
$completion = new backup_nested_element('completion', array('id'), array(
'userid', 'completionstate', 'viewed', 'timemodified'));

// Build the tree


// Define sources

$completion->set_source_table('course_modules_completion', ['coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID]);
$completionview->set_source_table('course_modules_completion_v', ['coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID]);
$completion->set_source_table('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID));

// Define id annotations

$completion->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');
$completionview->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');

// Return the root element (completions)
return $completions;

* Structure step in charge if constructing the completion.xml file for all the users completion information in a given activity.
class backup_userscompletionview_structure_step extends backup_structure_step {

* Skip completion on the front page.
* @return bool
protected function execute_condition() {
return ($this->get_courseid() != SITEID);

* Define structure of xml file.
* @return backup_nested_element
protected function define_structure() {

// Define each element separated.
$completionviews = new backup_nested_element('completionviews');

$completionview = new backup_nested_element('completionview', ['id'], ['userid', 'viewed', 'timecreated']);

// Build the tree.

// Define sources.
$completionview->set_source_table('course_modules_viewed', ['coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID]);

// Define id annotations.
$completionview->annotate_ids('user', 'userid');

// Return the root element (completionviews).
return $completionviews;

* structure step in charge of constructing the main groups.xml file for all the groups and
* groupings information already annotated
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions backup/moodle2/restore_activity_task.class.php
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Expand Up @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ public function build() {
// Userscompletion (conditionally)
if ($this->get_setting_value('userscompletion')) {
$this->add_step(new restore_userscompletion_structure_step('activity_userscompletion', 'completion.xml'));
$this->add_step(new restore_userscompletionview_structure_step('activity_userscompletionview', 'completionview.xml'));

// Logs (conditionally)
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88 changes: 56 additions & 32 deletions backup/moodle2/restore_stepslib.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4670,7 +4670,6 @@ protected function define_structure() {
$paths = array();

$paths[] = new restore_path_element('completion', '/completions/completion');
$paths[] = new restore_path_element('completion_viewed', '/completions/completion_viewed');

return $paths;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4703,51 +4702,76 @@ protected function process_completion($data) {
// After MDL-58266 changes.
// For legacy backup.
if (isset($data->viewed)) {
$existingview = $DB->get_record('course_modules_completion_v', [
'coursemoduleid' => $data->coursemoduleid,
'userid' => $data->userid]
, 'id');
$dataview = (object)[];
$dataview->viewed = $data->viewed;
$dataview->coursemoduleid = $data->coursemoduleid;
$dataview->userid = $data->userid;
$this->process_completion_viewer_data($existingview, $dataview);
$dataview = clone($data);
$dataview->timecreated = $data->timemodified;

$DB->insert_record('course_modules_viewed', $dataview);

* Structure step that will process the user activity completion viewed.
class restore_userscompletionview_structure_step extends restore_structure_step {
* Process completion viewed row.
* @param stdClass $data
* To conditionally decide if this step must be executed
* Note the "settings" conditions are evaluated in the
* corresponding task. Here we check for other conditions
* not being restore settings (files, site settings...)
protected function process_completion_viewed($data) {
global $DB;
$data = (object)$data;
protected function execute_condition() {
global $CFG;

$data->coursemoduleid = $this->task->get_moduleid();
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);
// Completion disabled in this site, don't execute.
if (empty($CFG->enablecompletion)) {
return false;

$existingview = $DB->get_record('course_modules_completion_v', [
'coursemoduleid' => $data->coursemoduleid,
'userid' => $data->userid], 'id');
$this->process_completion_viewer_data($existingview, $data);
// No completion on the front page.
if ($this->get_courseid() == SITEID) {
return false;

// No user completion info found, don't execute.
$fullpath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath();
$fullpath = rtrim($fullpath, '/') . '/' . $this->filename;
if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
return false;

// Arrived here, execute the step.
return true;

* Process completion viewer data.
* Define structure for completionview.
* @param mixed $existingview Existing record or false.
* @param object $data
* @return array
protected function define_structure(): array {

$paths = array();

$paths[] = new restore_path_element('completionview', '/completionviews/completionview');

return $paths;

* Process completion structure in the xml.
* @param array $data
private function process_completion_viewer_data($existingview, $data): void {
protected function process_completionview(array $data) {
global $DB;
if ($existingview) {
$data->id = $existingview->id;
$DB->update_record('course_modules_completion_v', $data);
} else {
$DB->insert_record('course_modules_completion_v', $data);

$data = (object)$data;
$data->coursemoduleid = $this->task->get_moduleid();
$data->userid = $this->get_mappingid('user', $data->userid);

$DB->insert_record('course_modules_viewed', $data);

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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions backup/moodle2/tests/restore_stepslib_date_test.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,6 +314,39 @@ public function test_usercompletion_date_restore() {
$this->assertEquals($coursemodulecompletion->timemodified, $newcoursemodulecompletion->timemodified);

* Checking that the user completion of an activity relating to the view field does not change
* when doing a course restore.
* @covers ::backup_and_restore
public function test_usercompletion_view_restore() {
global $DB;
// More completion...
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['startdate' => time(), 'enablecompletion' => 1]);
$assign = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('assign', [
'course' => $course->id,
'completion' => COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC, // Show activity as complete when conditions are met.
'completionview' => 1
$cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['course' => $course->id, 'instance' => $assign->id]);

// Mark the activity as completed.
$completion = new \completion_info($course);

$coursemodulecompletion = $DB->get_record('course_modules_viewed', ['coursemoduleid' => $cm->id]);

// Back up and restore.
$newcourseid = $this->backup_and_restore($course);
$newcourse = get_course($newcourseid);

$assignid = $DB->get_field('assign', 'id', ['course' => $newcourseid]);
$cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', ['course' => $newcourse->id, 'instance' => $assignid]);
$newcoursemodulecompletion = $DB->get_record('course_modules_viewed', ['coursemoduleid' => $cm->id]);

$this->assertEquals($coursemodulecompletion->timecreated, $newcoursemodulecompletion->timecreated);

* Ensuring that the timemodified field of the question attempt steps table does not change when
* a course restore is done.
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35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions completion/classes/privacy/provider.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,10 +69,11 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
'overrideby' => 'privacy:metadata:overrideby',
'timemodified' => 'privacy:metadata:timemodified'
], 'privacy:metadata:coursemodulesummary');
$collection->add_database_table('course_modules_completion_v', [
$collection->add_database_table('course_modules_viewed', [
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:userid',
'coursemoduleid' => 'privacy:metadata:coursemoduleid',
'viewed' => 'privacy:metadata:viewed',
'timecreated' => 'privacy:metadata:timecreated',
], 'privacy:metadata:coursemodulesummary');
$collection->add_database_table('course_completion_crit_compl', [
'userid' => 'privacy:metadata:userid',
Expand All @@ -95,17 +96,17 @@ public static function get_metadata(collection $collection) : collection {
public static function get_course_completion_join_sql(int $userid, string $prefix, string $joinfield) : array {
$cccalias = "{$prefix}_ccc"; // Course completion criteria.
$cmcalias = "{$prefix}_cmc"; // Course modules completion.
$cmcvalias = "{$prefix}_cmcv"; // Course modules completion viewed.
$cmvalias = "{$prefix}_cmv"; // Course modules viewed.
$ccccalias = "{$prefix}_cccc"; // Course completion criteria completion.

$join = "JOIN {course_completion_criteria} {$cccalias} ON {$joinfield} = {$cccalias}.course
LEFT JOIN {course_modules_completion} {$cmcalias} ON {$cccalias}.moduleinstance = {$cmcalias}.coursemoduleid
AND {$cmcalias}.userid = :{$prefix}_moduleuserid
LEFT JOIN {course_modules_completion_v} {$cmcvalias} ON {$cccalias}.moduleinstance = {$cmcvalias}.coursemoduleid
AND {$cmcvalias}.userid = :{$prefix}_moduleuserid2
LEFT JOIN {course_modules_viewed} {$cmvalias} ON {$cccalias}.moduleinstance = {$cmvalias}.coursemoduleid
AND {$cmvalias}.userid = :{$prefix}_moduleuserid2
LEFT JOIN {course_completion_crit_compl} {$ccccalias} ON {$ccccalias}.criteriaid = {$cccalias}.id
AND {$ccccalias}.userid = :{$prefix}_courseuserid";
$where = "{$cmcalias}.id IS NOT NULL OR {$ccccalias}.id IS NOT NULL OR {$cmcvalias}.id IS NOT NULL";
$where = "{$cmcalias}.id IS NOT NULL OR {$ccccalias}.id IS NOT NULL OR {$cmvalias}.id IS NOT NULL";
$params = ["{$prefix}_moduleuserid" => $userid, "{$prefix}_moduleuserid2" => $userid, "{$prefix}_courseuserid" => $userid];
return [$join, $where, $params];
Expand All @@ -132,10 +133,10 @@ public static function add_course_completion_users_to_userlist(userlist $userlis

$userlist->add_from_sql('userid', $sql, $params);

$sql = "SELECT cmcv.userid
$sql = "SELECT cmv.userid
FROM {course} c
JOIN {course_completion_criteria} ccc ON ccc.course =
JOIN {course_modules_completion_v} cmcv ON cmcv.coursemoduleid = ccc.moduleinstance
JOIN {course_modules_viewed} cmv ON cmv.coursemoduleid = ccc.moduleinstance
WHERE = :courseid";

$userlist->add_from_sql('userid', $sql, $params);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ public static function delete_completion(\stdClass $user = null, int $courseid =
if (isset($courseid)) {

$usersql = isset($user) ? 'AND cmc.userid = :userid' : '';
$usercmcvsql = isset($user) ? 'AND cmcv.userid = :userid' : '';
$usercmvsql = isset($user) ? 'AND cmv.userid = :userid' : '';
$params = isset($user) ? ['course' => $courseid, 'userid' => $user->id] : ['course' => $courseid];

// Find records relating to course modules.
Expand All @@ -261,16 +262,16 @@ public static function delete_completion(\stdClass $user = null, int $courseid =
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_completion', $deletesql, $deleteparams);
// Find records relating to course modules completion viewed.
$sql = "SELECT
$sql = "SELECT
FROM {course_completion_criteria} ccc
JOIN {course_modules_completion_v} cmcv ON ccc.moduleinstance = cmcv.coursemoduleid
WHERE ccc.course = :course $usercmcvsql";
JOIN {course_modules_viewed} cmv ON ccc.moduleinstance = cmv.coursemoduleid
WHERE ccc.course = :course $usercmvsql";
$recordids = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$ids = array_keys($recordids);
if (!empty($ids)) {
list($deletesql, $deleteparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ids);
$deletesql = 'id ' . $deletesql;
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_completion_v', $deletesql, $deleteparams);
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_viewed', $deletesql, $deleteparams);

$DB->delete_records('course_completion_crit_compl', $params);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ public static function delete_completion_by_approved_userlist(approved_userlist
// Only delete the record for course modules completion.
$sql = "coursemoduleid = :coursemoduleid AND userid {$useridsql}";
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_completion', $sql, $params);
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_completion_v', $sql, $params);
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_viewed', $sql, $params);

Expand All @@ -322,16 +323,16 @@ public static function delete_completion_by_approved_userlist(approved_userlist

// Find records relating to course modules.
$sql = "SELECT
$sql = "SELECT
FROM {course_completion_criteria} ccc
JOIN {course_modules_completion_v} cmcv ON ccc.moduleinstance = cmcv.coursemoduleid
WHERE ccc.course = :course AND cmcv.userid {$useridsql}";
JOIN {course_modules_viewed} cmv ON ccc.moduleinstance = cmv.coursemoduleid
WHERE ccc.course = :course AND cmv.userid {$useridsql}";
$recordids = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$ids = array_keys($recordids);
if (!empty($ids)) {
list($deletesql, $deleteparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ids);
$deletesql = 'id ' . $deletesql;
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_completion_v', $deletesql, $deleteparams);
$DB->delete_records_select('course_modules_viewed', $deletesql, $deleteparams);

$sql = "course = :course AND userid {$useridsql}";
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion course/lib.php
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Expand Up @@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ function course_delete_module($cmid, $async = false) {
// features are not turned on, in case they were turned on previously (these will be
// very quick on an empty table).
$DB->delete_records('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid' => $cm->id));
$DB->delete_records('course_modules_completion_v', ['coursemoduleid' => $cm->id]);
$DB->delete_records('course_modules_viewed', ['coursemoduleid' => $cm->id]);
$DB->delete_records('course_completion_criteria', array('moduleinstance' => $cm->id,
'course' => $cm->course,
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lang/en/completion.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
$string['privacy:metadata:timeenrolled'] = 'The time that the user was enrolled in the course';
$string['privacy:metadata:timemodified'] = 'The time that the activity completion was modified';
$string['privacy:metadata:timestarted'] = 'The time the course was started.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'The time that the activity completion was created';
$string['privacy:metadata:viewed'] = 'If the activity was viewed';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The user ID of the person with course and activity completion data';
$string['privacy:metadata:unenroled'] = 'If the user has been unenrolled from the course';
Expand Down

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