This repo is a Collection of exercises to get you started and familiar with testing using Jest.
- Clone this repo
- Run
ornpm install
- Run
yarn start
ornpm start
- This will copy all of the exercises into a new folder using your GitHub username.
- Level 0# - Setup Level - Tests and functions are written
- [Setup Jest](/exercises/00 - Setup Jest)
- Level 1# - TDD Level - Tests are written, fill in functions to make them pass
- [Lookup Function](/exercises/10 - Lookup)
- [Pure Function](/exercises/11 - Pure Function)
- [Object Snapshot](/exercises/12 - Object Snapshot)
- [Component Testing](/exercises/13 - Component Testing)
- [Promise Testing](/exercises/14 - Promise Testing)
- [Expect Extensions](/exercises/15 - Expect Extensions)
- NashDevs Slack - @kylewelch or @kevinold
- Create an Issue