Jenkins Docker Compose
- run docker desktop
- download project and unzip to folder
- run in command prompt: cd 'FOLDER_LOCATION' example: cd C:\Users\PC\Desktop\jenkins
- run command: docker compose build
- open web-browser and enter url: localhost:8080 defult login User:admin Pass:admin
Kubernetes, Openldap, phpLDAPadmin - multi verifaction
- install kubernetes, go to docker desktop, settings, kubernetes tab, check Enable kubernetes and Apply
- download helm
- Install the following helm chart:
- run command: helm repo add helm-openldap
- run command: helm install my-release helm-openldap/openldap-stack-ha
- run command: kubectl port-forward service/my-release-phpldapadmin 8080:80
- go to localhost:8080 and login with User: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org Password: Not@SecurePassw0rd
- click dc=example on the left, on the new menu press create a child entry, choose Generic: Posix Group, fill info and then Create
- click dc=example on the left, on the new menu press create a child entry, choose the account type necessary and fill the needed information