Hi. This is a repo for my journey of learning python.
->Is the folder where I hold the files made while following the introductory tutorial made by Paul McWhorter.
Link: Learn Python for Beginners
- 1.helloWorld.py - my first ever python script
- 2.ifStatements.py - as the name implies, with user input
- 3.evenOdd.py - homework for 2. Check if entered integer is even or odd. Modulo use.
- 4.comConditional_.py - If 'and','or','!=','==' conditionals
- 4.comConditional_hw.py - Homework 1 - Check if number is in interval between 5 and 10.
- 4.comConditional_hw2.py - Homework 2 - Made in 2 ways: a.Costy - compound single print. b.As Intended by PaulW.
- 5.forLoop_.py - Going through lists and ranges() using for loops
- 5.forLoops_hw.py - Homework 1 - Made in 2 ways: a.Costy - my version. b.As Intended by PaulW and added formatting (first, second, etc.)
- 5.forLoops_hw2.py - Homework 2 - Calculate average grade based on grades introduced manually by user
- 5.forLoops_hw3.py - Homework 3 - Added lines to show highest and lowest grade
- 6.sortingList-Costy.py - forLoops_hw3.py with grades sorting - Costy version
- 6.sortingList-PaulW.py - forLoops_hw3.py with grades sorting - PaulW version
- 7.whileLoops.python - while tutorial and input grades as homwork
- 8.myData.pkl - pickle file
- 8.myPickle.py - learn of the pickle library
- 8.pickleHW-1.py - pickle homework 1 - Write to a pickle file number of students, their name and grade.
- 8.pickleHW-2.py - pickle homework 2 - Read from a pickle file the students name and grade.
- 8.studentData.pkl - file used for homework 1 and 2
- 9.pyFunctions.python - function declaration
- 10.funcHW.py - 5.forLoops_hw3.py with functions
- 11.classMethod-.py - Learning classes
- 11.classMethod-HW.py - Homework - 5.forLoops_hw3.py defining studends using classes
- 12.threadExample.py - Learning of threading
->Is the folder where I hold the files made while following the tutorial made by Paul McWhorter on Visual Python.
Link: Visual Python 3D Graphics and Animations
- 1.vPythonIntro.py - cube with ball bouncing from left wall to right wall
- 2.roomSimParam.py - size parametrized with vectors instead of length, height, etc.
- 3.roomSimParam2.py - roomSimParam.py but with 3 balls of different colors, size and speed parameters
- 4.roomSimParam3.py - roomSimParam2.py but with n(user input) balls of different colors, size and speed parameters (user input). The size of the room is also set by user input. No checking of size of balls vs room size.
- 5.myPiston.py - thermometer components
- 6.myThermo.py - basic thermometer demo. Temperature changes from -20 to 50 deg C. Difference from PaulW version: Color changes based on temperature and values are floats instead of ints. Also a mapping function translates temperature change to cylinder height change.
- 7.myThermometer.py - a variation of 6.myThermo.py - you can change the temperature shown by inputing a temperature in the range of -20 and 50degC. No checks are made to see if the input values is in the range.
- 8.myThermo2.py - insert n(user input) thermometers - only spawn the thermometers, equally spaced - a lot of user input. Transformed the Thermometer into a class to spawn multiple instances.
- 9.myThermo3.py - insert n(user input) thermometers - their temperature vary according to input parameters of deltaVar which represent the rate of change. No checks are made to see if the rate of change drives the 'mercury' beyond the logical threshold of the thermometer.
- 10.myThermo4.py - User input of temperature. Representation check is made to show maximum or minimum value if the user input a value which is not in the range of the specified thermometer range.
- 11.mixingColors.py - Color shuffle Costy version
- 12.mixingColorsPW.py - Color shuffle PaulW version
- 13.mixingColorsPW-improved.py - Color shuffle PaulW version with constant brightness
- 14.axisOrient.py - Orientation of objects using axis parameter
- 15.3DRotate.py - arrow with trail rotation along X, Y and Z
- 16.3DClockBase.py - Clock background build - minor tick made with better for loop (different from PaulW)
- 17.3DClockPWnCo.py - Wotking clock with fix hands and clippy movement of hour and minute hand
- 18.3DClock.py - Working clock with intermediate positions of the hour and minute hand
- 19.3DClock2.py - Clock with numbers and label
- 20.pyThonWidGet.py - Changing parameters of 3.roomSimParam2.py on the go
->Is the folder where I hold the files made while following the tutorial made by Paul McWhorter on linking the well known Arduino to Python.
Link: Free Tutorials: Using Python with Arduino
- lesson3-1.py - receive data via serial
- lesson3-2.py - split multiple data in single variables
- lesson3-3.0.1-homework-dial-base.py - dial demo with in-place code to adjust for cases when input is higher than expected No text on dial
- lesson3-3.0.2-homework-dial-base.py - dial demo with in-place code to adjust for cases when input is higher than expected. Here the arrow remains at max and the dial turns red if value is out of dial bounds.
- lesson3-3.1-homework-dial-class.py - transformed the dial to a class and test the spawing of multiple dials with different parameters
- lesson3-3.2-homework-dial-class.py - getting multiple data from arduino and showing it on the multiple dials - data is translated using PaulW method (utf-8)
- lesson3-3.3.1.-hw-v4_test.py - testing to change the way data received from the arduino is interpreted
- lesson3-3.3.2.-homework-dial-class.py - modified the way the data received is translated (using ascii)
- config_files.py and config.ini files used to learn about setting ini files
- lesson3-3.3.3-prereq-testing.py - used to test data read from ini file; lesson3-3.3.3-prereq-testing.ini used for the main program and future versions of it
- lesson3-3.3.3.-homework-dial-class-w_ini.py - modified to take all the input files from the ini file and not from user input in terminal
- lesson3-3.3.4.-homework-dial-class-w_ini-autoconnect.py - modified to autoconnect to the arduino by finding "CH340" in the com ports. lesson3-3.3.4.-serial_auto_connect.py is used to test the autoconnect part of the program. The modification is based on this video
- lesson3-3.3.5.-homework-dial-class-w_ini-autoconnect-scene_center.py - modified to add tkinter camera control. Dropdown list according to number of dials. Selecting '0' centers the camera.