{Awesome Works in Progress}
- The state of happiness in a COVID world - Ipsos
- Ready PBIX Datasets π₯
- SQL Server Database Samples
- Coffee and Code - The case for Lebanon
- Quality of Government - QoG based on three factors; EoDB, EGDI and CPI
- OpenML - Find or add data to analyse
- An archive of datasets distributed with R π―
- FiveThirtyEight - Data and code behind the articles and graphics at FiveThirtyEight
- Divvy Data - Historical trip data available to the public
- The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health)
- Mars Crater Catalog v1 Robbins
- BigML - bigml.com
- Microsoft Contoso BI Demo Dataset for Retail Industry
- Maven Analytics (Data Playground) π - mavenanalytics.io
- OpenDataSoft - opendatasoft.com
- Sustainable Development Report - sdgindex.org
- Tableau's Sample Data - public.tableau.com
- CORGIS β - corgis-edu.github.io | The Collection of Really Great, Interesting, Situated Datasets
- The Quality of Government Expert Survey - gu.se | The QoG Expert Survey is a research project aimed at documenting the organizational design of public bureaucracies and bureaucratic behavior in countries around the world.
- Customers CSV Sample (Datablist) - github.com
- Data World β - data.world
- Data World Datasets - 130K open data datasets
- Datahub - High quality data and datasets organized by topic
- Gapminder β - gapminder.org
- Knoema - Knoema is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world.
- NYC Open Data - Open Data for All New Yorkers
- Open Data Watch β - opendatawatch.com
- Our World in Data ππ₯ - ourworldindata.org
- Eurostat - The NUTS classification (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
- Open Spatial Data - Lebanese Red Cross
- Cambridge Open Data
- CSV Datasets π - corgis-edu.github.io | CORGIS: The Collection of Really Great, Interesting, Situated Datasets
- Kaggle β - Kaggle is an online community of data scientists and machine learners, owned by Google LLC
- Open Datasets - Google AI
- Google Public Data
- Dataset Search (Google) - datasetsearch.research.google.com
- Google's BigQuery Public Datasets - google.com
- Amazon's AWS Public Datasets - opendata.aws
- Microsoft Research Open Data - microsoftopendata.com
- Azure AI Fundamentals Datasets
- Azure Open Datasets - azure.microsoft.com
- Financial Sample Excel workbook for Power BI
- IBM - Data Asset eXchange - Explore useful and relevant data sets for enterprise data science
- Northwind (OData) - odata.org | An open protocol to allow the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way.
- TripPin - odata.org | It's a fictional travel-related service that mimics real-world data interactions. The database typically contains data such as people, airlines, airports, and trips.
- World Bank Open Data β - worldbank.org
- The World Bank Indicator
- World Bank Group country classifications by income level for FY24
- The World by Income and Region
- Commodity Markets
- Sustainable Development Goals 2023
- The Global Health Observatory - who.int (Explore a world of health data)
- FAOSTAT - fao.org
- FAO - Data collection
- FAODATA Explorer
- UN Data - un.org
- UN Comtrade Database
- Open Data Portal (UN) - United Nations Peacekeeping
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - unctad.org
- NASA APIs - nasa.gov
- Datasets and Images (NASA)
- FoodData - fdc.nal.usda.gov | FoodData Central is an integrated data system that provides expanded nutrient profile data and links to related agricultural and experimental research.
- Human Development Insights (HDI) - hdr.undp.org | Access and explore human development data for 191 countries and territories worldwide.
- The Dairy Industry Good Animal Database (DIGAD) β³
- Human-Centered AI (Stanford University) - hai.stanford.edu | Advancing AI research, education, and policy to improve the human condition
- Bayanat.ae - Official Portal of the UAE Government - fcsc.gov.ae | Find government data shared under our commitment to enhance participation and transparency.
- Real Estate (UAE) - dubailand.gov.ae
- Dubai Pulse - Discover a wealth of information on Dubai Pulse
- DXB Interact - dxbinteract.com (Charts only)
- Dubai Land Department - dubailand.gov.ae
- General Authority for Statistics - stats.gov.sa
- GASTAT Statistical Database - database.stats.gov.sa
- Saudi Open Data portal - open.data.gov.sa
- Capital Market Authority - od.data.gov.sa
- Saudi Census - saudicensus.sa | A comprehensive census is designed to provide a complete and accurate count of the population along with information on housing, across all locations in the Kingdom and sub-groups of the population.
- Data Saudi - datasaudi.sa
- World Bank (KSA) - data.worldbank.org
- Ministry of Tourism (Tourism Intelligence) - mt.gov.sa
- Weekly Points Of Sale Transactions
- Qatar Open Data - data.gov.qa
- EU Open Data Portal- data.europa.eu
- U.S. Census Bureau - census.gov
- U.S Data - data.gov
- Crime - catalog.data.gov
- Open Data DC - dc.gov
- National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) - III - healthdata.gov
- Federal Funds Effective Rate - stlouisfed.org | Economic data since 1991.
- New York State (Open Data) - data.ny.gov | Explore New York State datasets, maps, charts, and other assets from 62 state agencies and authorities.
- Impact (Development) - development.impact.gov.lb
- Liban Data - libandata.org
- Open Datasets - data.govt.nz | Discover and use data
- Statistics Finland - stat.fi
- UCI - Machine Learning Repository - Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems β
- Zayed University Open Data
- Vanderbilt University - Department of Biostatistics
- Ministry Of Education (KSA) - data.gov.sa
- World University Rankings 2023 - timeshighereducation.com
- Earthquake Hazards - earthquake.usgs.gov | USGS
- Significant Earthquake Database - opendatasoft.com
- Open Data documents provided by the UAE GCAA - gcaa.gov.ae
- General Authority of Civil Aviation - data.bayanat.ae
- Airline Dataset | Kaggle - Sourav Banerjee
- Country Information - ip2location.com
- UN-LOCODE Codelist - datahub.io
- GeoNames - geonames.org
- Bayanat (Oil) - bayanat.ae
- Data World (Oil and Gas) - Data World
- IEA Oil Information Statistics - OECD
- Gampinder (Oil and Gas) - Gapminder
- U.S. Energy Information Administration - Find statistics on crude oil, gasoline, diesel, propane, jet fuel, ethanol, and other liquid fuels.
- Energy and Water - Statistic Centre Abu Dhabi
- Brent crude and WTI oil prices from US EIA - github.com/datasets
- Oil and Gas - Oman - data.gov.om
- Statistical Review of World Energy - energyinst.org
- Tableau Gallery
- International Aluminium Institute - international-aluminium.org
- OurAirports - ourairports.com
- COVID-19 Dataset by Our World in Data π¦ - ourworldindata.org
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - data.cdc.gov
- CoronaVirus Genome vs ZIKA/MERS/EBOLA - Comparison of different virus Genome for study
- Worldwide cancer data - wcrf.org
- IHME - healthdata.org | Data tools and practices
- Earth Online (European Space Agency) - Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
- Bank Marketing Data Set - UCI
- Loan Data Set Classification - Burak ErgΓΌn (Kaggle)
- SNB data portal
- Warren Buffett's Portfolio
- Capital Market Authority (CMA) - cma.org.sa
- Adidas Sales Dataset - Adidas Sales in United States
- CitiBike - citibikenyc.com
- European Central Bank (API) - Foreign exchange rates API with currency conversion
- IMDb Datasets - imdb.com
- Harmonized System | HS Product Code πΊ - International Trade Administration
- ENERGYDATA.INFO - energydata.info | Open Data and analytics for a sustainable energy future
- OpenEI - OpenEI openei.org is a trusted source of energy data
- Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates - nobelprize.org
- Climate Data Online Search - ncdc.noaa.gov
- Weather datasets (data.world) - data.world
- Sea surface temperature daily data from 1981 to present derived from satellite observations - cds.climate.copernicus.eu
- Weather Forecast (API) - open-meteo.com | Seamless integration of high-resolution weather models with up 16 days forecast
- Sunrise-Sunset - Check sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times for any location in the world!
- 7 HR Data Sets for People Analytics - aihr.com
- Fertility rate, total (births per woman) - data.worldbank.org
- Residential property prices - bis.org
- Residential Property Prices for United Arab Emirates - fred.stlouisfed.org
- Inside Airbnb - insideairbnb.com
- Airbnb - Listings - opendatasoft.com
- Paris 2024 The data sharing platform (Olympics)
- Sport Rankings - espn.com
- The FIFA 2022 CSV Dataset - sports-statistics.com
- Formula 1 Datasets - Dogan Yigit Yenigun
- Yahoo Finance - finance.yahoo.com
- WSJ Market Data - wsj.com
- Database of Arabic Given Names - kalmasoft.com
- Meetup RSVPs
- Real-Time Traffic Speed Data (NYC OpenData) - cityofnewyork.us
- Awesome Public Datasets
- TidyTuesday - A weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem.
- Small data analysis and viz projects
- Dataquest - Project Walkthroughs
- Mark Wilcock - Course Datasets
- Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning - hackage.haskell.org
- 19 Free Public Data Sets for Your Data Science Project - springboard.com
- List of Industries - ibisworld.com
- List of datasets for machine-learning research - wikipedia.org
- Announcing Contoso Data Generator v2 - sqlbi.com
- Generate test data - JSON - databasetestdata.com
- Generate Data - generatedata.com provides a quick and simple way to let you generate large volumes of custom data in whatever format you require.
- DataFairy - devskiller.com/datafairy
- Contoso Data Generator - github.com/sql-bi
- Faker - fakerjs.dev | Generate massive amounts of fake (but realistic) data for testing and development.
- EU data protection rules
- California Consumer Privacy Act
- GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation