Package created to use the notification-api Service ( in Laravel projects
Official Doc for Notification Api:
To get the latest version of notificationapi-laravel
on your project, require it from "composer":
$ composer require nairanomura/notificationapi-laravel
Or you can add it directly in your composer.json file:
"require": {
"nairanomura/notificationapi-laravel": "1.0"
Register the provider directly in your app configuration file config/app.php
'providers' => [
// ...
The following lines will be auto added in config/services.php
by provider.
return [
'notification-api' => [
'key' => env('NOTIFICATION_API_KEY'),
'secret' => env('NOTIFICATION_API_SECRET'),
So add the following environment variables in .env file to finish a configuration:
This keys was offered by notification api after register an account
Use Artisan to create a notification:
php artisan make:notification SomeNotification
Return [notification-api]
in the public function via($notifiable)
method of your notification:
public function via($notifiable)
return ['notification-api'];
Add the method public function toNotificationApi($notifiable)
to your notification:
public function toNotificationApi($notifiable)
return [
"notificationId" => "notification_example",
"user" => [
"id" => $notifiable->getAttribute('id'),
"email" => $notifiable->getAttribute('email'),
"mergeTags" => [
"userName" => auth()->user()->name,
"clickAction" => config('app.env')."/example"
*Attention: To call notification by the user model, the User model must be "Notifiable" Trait
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
#notify one user
$user->notify((new SomeNotification(..)));
#notify multiple users
Notification::send($users, new SomeNotification(..);
After install and configure we can use the library calling the helper notification_api
or class NotificationApiService
$data = [
"notificationId" => "order_tracking",
"user" => [
"id" => "[email protected]",
"email" => "[email protected]",
"number" => "+15005550006"
"mergeTags" => [
"item" => "Krabby Patty Burger",
"address" => "124 Conch Street",
"orderId" => "1234567890"
$result = notification_api($data);
$result = (new NotificationApiService)->send($data)