- This is a simple todo list to help students organize and remember their tasks like quizzes , assignments , deadlines , projects and presentations
- This project is a some sort of practice on the 12 factor app concept
- Our project complies by the following factors:
- README : In this repository you can see this written which clarifies how to use our project and modify it locally
- I Codebase : Our private git repository was constantly updated with any code contribution to the project
- II Dependencies :
- A dependency declaration manifest declares all dependencies of an app.In node js it is npm
- A dependancy isolation tool is basically tool that ensures that no implicit dependencies “leak in” from the surrounding system , to avoid conlicts between version in the future . In node js it is npm.
- III Config : A separate Config file should be created when running the project to avoid hard-coding it you can find below in the READ.md how to create it & its content
- IV Backing Services : 2 backing services are used 1 - Mongodb 2 - JSON API
- You can find in our project's directory a docker-compose.yml file that is used to bring up our app along with the backing services stated above docker-compose.yml content explained :
- In order to run this project you only need Docker installed !!
- You can find below some links that helps in the installation process:
- Linux Ubuntu 16.04: "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04"
- Windows 10 Pro : "https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/"
- Mac : "https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/"
- Mean stack :
- Mongodb
- Express
- Node js
- Mongodb
- JSON API (containing usernames & passwords) : "https://api.myjson.com/bins/ujpdu"
- In the directory of your project create a saperate config file
- Inside it create a js file with the name "database"
- export the following url in it : 'mongodb://mongo:27017/docker-node-mongo' - if you wish to change the container name change "docker-node-mongo" to your new container name in the database.js and Dockerfile
- docker-compose up
- docker-compose down
- docker-compose build
- Nadeen Ahmad 37-4023
- Radwa Elshenawy 37-5390
- Mayar Alfares 37-2915