The project currently allows fairly easily to create an elasticsearch cluster of master and data nodes.
There are 4 ES node types in the eyes of this project:
- es_initial_master_node; the first node to bootstrap the cluster.
this node is required for every first setup to bootstrap the cluster. for deployments require redundancy don't spin more than one of this type,
but rather spin along it dedicated masters, which are easier to maintain with this terraform project. - es_dedicated_master_node; nodes for master duties only
- es_data_master_node; nodes for both master and data roles
- es_dedicated_data_node; data only node
Configuration for 2 different scenarios:
- Budget is not an issue, redundancy and performace are critical
es_initial_master_nodes_amount = 1
es_dedicated_master_nodes_amount = 2
es_data_master_nodes_amount = 0
es_dedicated_data_nodes_amount = 2 (for the very least)
- Budget constraints, will require to have mix nondes,
in this way we still maintain redundancy and as long no problems arise performance is good
es_initial_master_nodes_amount = 1
es_dedicated_master_nodes_amount = 0
es_data_master_nodes_amount = 2
es_dedicated_data_nodes_amount = 0
here is a way to use this project as a module:
module "elk" {
source = "[email protected]:NadavOps/elk.git"
aws_provider_main_region = aws region
aws_credentials_profile = credentials profile name
vpc_id = vpc id
aws_keypair = name of ec2 key
subnet_ids = [subnet ids]
ssh_ips = [allowed ips]
es_initial_master_nodes_amount = 1
es_dedicated_master_nodes_amount = 0
es_data_master_nodes_amount = 0
es_dedicated_data_nodes_amount = 2
This project relies on:
[email protected]:NadavOps/terraform.git//aws/networking/security_groups
[email protected]:NadavOps/terraform.git//aws/compute/ec2-instance
The project still requires more work including:
- Kibana
- Logstash
- Test it with opster -->>
- formalize into terraform modules
- more options for initial in elk app configurations