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modular mmse pic for pull request (#68)
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Co-authored-by: Reinhard Wiesmayr <[email protected]>
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rwiesmayr and Reinhard Wiesmayr authored Nov 23, 2022
1 parent 2fcad58 commit e8f921a
Showing 1 changed file with 188 additions and 2 deletions.
190 changes: 188 additions & 2 deletions sionna/mimo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.utils import expand_to_rank, matrix_sqrt_inv
from sionna.mapping import Constellation, SymbolLogits2LLRs, LLRs2SymbolLogits

from sionna.mimo import real2complex_vector, complex2real_vector, complex2real_matrix, whiten_channel
from sionna.utils import expand_to_rank, matrix_sqrt_inv, hard_decisions, insert_dims
from sionna.mapping import Constellation, SymbolLogits2LLRs, LLRs2SymbolLogits, DemapperWithPrior, SymbolLogits2Moments

class MaximumLikelihoodDetectorWithPrior(Layer):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -637,3 +639,187 @@ def call(self, inputs):
prior = tf.zeros(prior_shape, tf.as_dtype(self._dtype).real_dtype)
return super().call([y, h, prior, s])

This layer implements the soft-input soft-output minimum mean squared error (MMSE) parallel interference cancellation
detector (SISO MMSE PIC), as proposed in [CST2011]_. For num_iter>1, this implementation performs MMSE PIC self-iterations,
which can lead to (minor) additional performance gains. MMSE PIC self-iterations can be understood as a concatenation of
MMSE PIC detectors from [CST2011]_, which forward intrinsic LLRs to the next (self-)iteration.
In addition to [CST2011]_, this implementation also accepts symbol logit priors. However, for consistency,
the input symbol logits are mapped to LLRs and the symbol logit outputs are also computed from the MMSE PIC output LLRs.
Based on previous results, classical iterative detection and decoding (IDD) showed best performance, if the MMSE PIC
data detector outputs extrinsic LLRs to the decoder (also implemented here) and the decoder provides the MMSE PIC with
intrinsic LLRs.
[CST2011]_ C. Studer, S. Fateh, and D. Seethaler, "ASIC Implementation of Soft-Input Soft-Output
MIMO Detection Using MMSE Parallel Interference Cancellation," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 1754–1765, July 2011.

class SiSoMmsePicDetector(Layer):
def __init__(self,
epsilon = 1e-4,
super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs)

assert type(num_iter) is int, "num_iter must be an integer"
assert output in ("bit", "symbol"), "Unknown output"
assert demapping_method in ("app", "maxlog"), "Unknown demapping method"

assert dtype in [tf.complex64, tf.complex128], \
"dtype must be tf.complex64 or tf.complex128"

self._num_iter = num_iter
self._output = output

# Create constellation object
self._constellation = Constellation.create_or_check_constellation(

self._epsilon = epsilon
self._realdtype = dtype.real_dtype

self._demapping_method = demapping_method
self._hard_out = hard_out

# soft symbol mapping
self._llr2symbolLogits = LLRs2SymbolLogits(self._constellation.num_bits_per_symbol, dtype=self._realdtype) # soft
if self._output == "symbol":
self._llr2symbolLogits_output = LLRs2SymbolLogits(self._constellation.num_bits_per_symbol, dtype=self._realdtype, hard_out=hard_out) # soft or hard
self._symbolLogits2LLRs = SymbolLogits2LLRs(method=demapping_method, num_bits_per_symbol=self._constellation.num_bits_per_symbol)
self._symbolLogits2moments = SymbolLogits2Moments(constellation=self._constellation, dtype=self._realdtype)

# soft output demapping
self._bit_demapper = DemapperWithPrior(demapping_method=demapping_method, constellation=constellation, dtype=dtype)

def call(self, inputs):
y, h, prior, s = inputs
# y is unwhitened receive signal [..., M]
# h the channel estimate [..., M, K]
# prior is either the soft input LLRs [..., K, num_bits_per_symbol] or symbol logits [..., K, Q]
# s the noise covariance matrix [..., M, M]

## preprocessing
# Whiten channel
y, h = whiten_channel(y, h, s, return_s=False) # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking

# matched filtering of y
y_mf = insert_dims(tf.linalg.matvec(h, y, adjoint_a=True), num_dims=1, axis=-1) # y_mf is [..., K, 1]

## Step 1: compute Gramm matrix
g = tf.matmul(h, h, adjoint_a=True) # g is [..., K, K]

# For XLA compatibility, this implementation performs the MIMO equalization in the real-valued domain
hr = complex2real_matrix(h) # hr is [..., 2M, 2K]
gr = tf.matmul(hr, hr, adjoint_a=True) # gr is [..., 2K, 2K]

# compute a priori LLRs
if self._output == "symbol":
llr_a = self._symbolLogits2LLRs(prior)
llr_a = prior
# llr_a is [..., K, num_bits_per_symbol]
llr_shape = tf.shape(llr_a)

def mmse_pic_self_iteration(llr_d, llr_a, it):
# MMSE PIC takes in a priori LLRs
llr_a = llr_d

# Step 2: compute soft symbol estimates and variances using built-in Sionna utility functions
# Notice that there are more efficient direct computation approaches available
# For an example, refer to or to
# for a Sionna implementation
x_hat, var_x = self._symbolLogits2moments(self._llr2symbolLogits(llr_a)) # both are [..., K]

# Step 3: perform parallel interference cancellation
# H^H y_hat_i = y_mf - sum_j!=i gj x_hat_j = y + g_i x_hat_i - sum_j g_j x_hat_j
y_mf_pic = y_mf + g * insert_dims(x_hat, num_dims=1, axis=-2) \
- tf.linalg.matmul(g, insert_dims(x_hat, num_dims=1, axis=-1))
# y_mf_pic is [..., K, K]

# Step 4: compute A^-1 matrix
# Calculate MMSE Filter (efficiently)
# W^H = A^-1 H^H
# A = H^H H \Lambda + N_0 I_Mt
# \Lambda_ii is a diagonal matrix with \Lambda_ii = E_i = error_var

# stack error variances and make it real (imaginary part is zero anyway)
var_x = tf.cast(tf.concat([var_x, var_x], axis=-1), dtype=self._realdtype)
var_x_row_vec = insert_dims(var_x, num_dims=1, axis=-2)
a = gr * var_x_row_vec
# a is [..., 2K, 2K]

i = expand_to_rank(tf.eye(tf.shape(a)[-1], dtype=a.dtype), tf.rank(a), 0)
a = a + i

a_inv = tf.linalg.inv(a) # a is non-hermitian! that's why we can't use sn.utils.matrix_inv
# XLA can't invert complex matrices, that's why we work with the real valued domain

# Step 5: compute unbiased MMSE filter and outputs, calculate A\H^H

# calculate bias mu_i = diag(A^-1 H^H H) = diag(A^-1 G)
# diagonal elements of matrix matrix multiplication simplified to sum and dot-product
mu = tf.reduce_sum(a_inv * tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(gr), axis=-1)
# mu is [..., 2K]

# make y_mf_pic columns real (after transposition, the last dimension corresponds to vectors)
y_mf_pic_trans = complex2real_vector(tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(y_mf_pic)) # is [..., K, 2K]
# stack them such that y_mf_pic_trans is [..., 2K, 2K]
y_mf_pic_trans = tf.concat([y_mf_pic_trans, y_mf_pic_trans], axis=-2)

# efficient parallel equalization after PIC (z_i = i'th row of a_inv * y_MF_PIC_i)
# boils down to tf.reduce_sum(a_inv * y_mf_pic_trans, axis=-1)
# divide by mu_i for unbiasedness
x_hat = real2complex_vector(tf.reduce_sum(a_inv * y_mf_pic_trans, axis=-1) / tf.cast(mu, dtype=a_inv.dtype))
# x_hat is [..., K]

# compute post equalization signal error estimate: rho_i = mu_i / (1 - var_x_i * mu_i)
# 1 - var_x_i * mu_i can become numerically 0 (or even slightly smaller than zero due to limited numerical precision)
var_x = tf.divide(mu, tf.maximum(1 - var_x * mu, self._epsilon)) # is [..., 2K]
var_x, _ = tf.split(var_x, 2, -1) # real variances map to the same complex valued variances in this model

no_eff = 1. / var_x

# Step 6: LLR demapping (extrinsic LLRs)
# notice that there are more efficient direct computation approaches available
# For an example, refer to or to
# for a Sionna implementation
llr_d = tf.reshape(self._bit_demapper([x_hat, llr_a, no_eff]), llr_shape)
# llr_d is [..., K, num_bits_per_symbols]

return llr_d, llr_a, it

# stopping condition (required for tf.while_loop)
def dec_stop(llr_d, llr_a, it): # pylint: disable=W0613
return tf.less(it, self._num_iter)

# start decoding iterations
it = tf.constant(0)
null_prior = tf.zeros(llr_shape, dtype=self._realdtype)
llr_d, llr_a, _ = tf.while_loop(dec_stop, mmse_pic_self_iteration, (llr_a, null_prior, it),
llr_e = llr_d - llr_a
if self._output == "symbol":
# convert back to symbols if requested. This llr2symbol mapper also performs hard-decisions, if specified
out = self._llr2symbolLogits_output(llr_e) # output symbol logits computed on extrinsic LLRs
# output extrinsic LLRs
out = llr_e
if self._hard_out:
out = hard_decisions(out)

return out

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