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Implement the camera parameter sampling required by Live3D
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YanniZhangYZ committed Oct 11, 2023
1 parent fd33438 commit 55040d2
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 9 deletions.
80 changes: 71 additions & 9 deletions eg3d/
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Expand Up @@ -123,6 +123,62 @@ def sample(horizontal_mean, vertical_mean, horizontal_stddev=0, vertical_stddev=
forward_vectors = math_utils.normalize_vecs(-camera_origins)
return create_cam2world_matrix(forward_vectors, camera_origins)

class Live3DCameraPoseSampler:
Same as UniformCameraPoseSampler, except the
pose is sampled from a uniform distribution with range +-[horizontal/vertical/roll]_stddev.
Camera radius sampling:
Mean: 2.7
Standard Deviation: 0.1
Camera roll sampling (in degrees, converted to radians):
Mean: 0
Standard Deviation: 2 degrees
For a batch of random camera poses looking at the origin with yaw sampled from [-pi/2, +pi/2] radians:
cam2worlds = UniformCameraPoseSampler.sample(math.pi/2, math.pi/2, horizontal_stddev=math.pi/2, radius=1, batch_size=16)
def sample(horizontal_mean, vertical_mean, roll_mean_deg = 0, horizontal_stddev=0, vertical_stddev=0, roll_stddev_deg=2, radius_mean=2.7, radius_stddev=0.1, batch_size=1, device='cpu'):
h = (torch.rand((batch_size, 1), device=device) * 2 - 1) * horizontal_stddev + horizontal_mean
v = (torch.rand((batch_size, 1), device=device) * 2 - 1) * vertical_stddev + vertical_mean
v = torch.clamp(v, 1e-5, math.pi - 1e-5)

theta = h
v = v / math.pi
phi = torch.arccos(1 - 2 * v)

camera_origins = torch.zeros((batch_size, 3), device=device)

# Create camera origins with radius sampled from a normal distribution with mean 2.7 and std deviation 0.1.
camera_origins[:, 0:1] = (radius_stddev * torch.randn((batch_size, 1), device=device) + radius_mean) * torch.sin(phi) * torch.cos(math.pi - theta)
camera_origins[:, 2:3] = (radius_stddev * torch.randn((batch_size, 1), device=device) + radius_mean) * torch.sin(phi) * torch.sin(math.pi - theta)
camera_origins[:, 1:2] = (radius_stddev * torch.randn((batch_size, 1), device=device) + radius_mean) * torch.cos(phi)

forward_vectors = math_utils.normalize_vecs(-camera_origins)

# Sample roll from a normal distribution with mean 0 and std deviation 2 degrees.
roll_stddev_rad = math.radians(roll_stddev_deg)
roll_mean_rad = math.radians(roll_mean_deg)
roll = torch.randn((batch_size, 1), device=device) * roll_stddev_rad + roll_mean_rad
roll_matrix = torch.stack([
torch.cos(roll), -torch.sin(roll), torch.zeros_like(roll),
torch.sin(roll), torch.cos(roll), torch.zeros_like(roll),
torch.zeros_like(roll), torch.zeros_like(roll), torch.ones_like(roll)
], dim=-1).view(batch_size, 3, 3)

# Apply roll to the forward_vectors.
forward_vectors = torch.matmul(forward_vectors, roll_matrix)

return create_cam2world_matrix(forward_vectors, camera_origins)

def create_cam2world_matrix(forward_vector, origin):
Takes in the direction the camera is pointing and the camera origin and returns a cam2world matrix.
Expand All @@ -145,12 +201,10 @@ def create_cam2world_matrix(forward_vector, origin):
return cam2world

def FOV_to_intrinsics(fov_degrees, device='cpu'):
def FOV_to_intrinsics(fov_mean = 18.83, fov_stddev = 1, principal_point_mean = 256, principal_point_stddev = 14, device='cpu'):
Creates a 3x3 camera intrinsics matrix from the camera field of view, specified in degrees.
Note the intrinsics are returned as normalized by image size, rather than in pixel units.
Assumes principal point is at image center.
the camera intrinsic matrix is a 3x3 matrix, where
f_x, f_y are the focal length in x and y direction
x_0, y_0 are principal point offsets
Expand All @@ -160,16 +214,24 @@ def FOV_to_intrinsics(fov_degrees, device='cpu'):
[ 0, f_y/size_y, y_0/size_y]
[ 0, 0, 1 ]
As a sanity check, after normalization, your principal point should be close to 0.5, 0.5
FOV sampling (in degrees):
Mean: 18.83
Standard Deviation: 1
Principal point sampling (before normalized by image size):
Mean: 256
Standard Deviation: 14
# normal distribution,standard deviation 1, centered at 18.83
fov_degrees = torch.randn(1, device=device) * 1.0 + fov_degrees
fov_degrees = torch.randn(1, device=device) * fov_stddev + fov_mean
# Principal point sampling: normal distribution, standard deviation 14, centered at 256
x_0 = (torch.randn(1, device=device) * 14.0 + 256) / 512.0
y_0 = (torch.randn(1, device=device) * 14.0 + 256) / 512.0
principal_point = (torch.randn(2, device=device) * principal_point_stddev + principal_point_mean) / 512.0

focal_length = float(1 / (math.tan(fov_degrees * 3.14159 / 360) * 1.414))
# intrinsics = torch.tensor([[focal_length, 0, 0.5], [0, focal_length, 0.5], [0, 0, 1]], device=device)
intrinsics = torch.tensor([[focal_length, 0, x_0], [0, focal_length, y_0], [0, 0, 1]], device=device)
intrinsics = torch.tensor([
[focal_length, 0, principal_point[0]],
[0, focal_length, principal_point[1]],
[0, 0, 1]], device=device)

return intrinsics

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