This repo containers utilities used to support Terraform module development and documentation. The tools are packaged in a Docker image/container for easy use be developer. You just need docker to run them.
The following tools are included in the container:
From the root module of any Terraform project, you can run the commands below.
docker run -v ${PWD}:/source nvisia/terraform-dev:1.0 terraform-docs -c /dev-utils-conf/tf-doc-conf.yml markdown /source >
docker run -v ${PWD}:/source nvisia/terraform-dev:1.0 terraform fmt /source
docker run -v ${PWD}:/source nvisia/terraform-dev:1.0 tflint -c /dev-utils-conf/.tflint.hcl /source
- Review Dockerfile (versions of included utilities)
- Build the container image with the proper name and tag (increment the version tag, i.e., v0.6 >> v0.7) don't forget to include the "." at the end of the command
docker build -t nvisia/terraform-dev:1.0 .
- Push the container to Artifactory
# You need to login to Artifactory first...
docker login nvisia
# Then push the image
docker image push nvisia/terraform-dev:1.0