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This is a simple demo of the ROS navigation "stack" running on the KUKA youBot. The demo uses a Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 laser scanner and the hokuyo_node ROS package for obtaining laser scan data used in detecting obstacles. The demo uses the eband_local_planner for a local planner, and the youbot_driver_ros_interface for controlling the youBot and providing odometry information.

Running the Demo

The youBot must be powered on, and the motors must have power. Then we simply need to launch the main launch file using

roslaunch youbot_nav_msr move_base_eband.launch

If there are no errors, then we start rviz to interact with the demo. Type the following in a new terminal:

roscd youbot_nav_msr
cd launch/
rosrun rviz rviz -d youbotnav.rviz

Then you should be able to set a "2D Nav Goal" and watch the youBot navigate to the location.


Here are a few links that may be useful to figure out what is going on:

  1. ROS Navigation main page:
  2. ROS Navigation tutorials:
  3. ROS Wiki page on costmaps: