Server and client components for capturing events.
The JS client bundled with this engine assumes that jQuery is present.
Due to the use of some methods, such as Date.prototype.toISOString
, the JS
client is not compatible with older browsers such as IE8.
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'event_capture', git: '[email protected]:NU-CBITS/event_capture.git'
bundle install
Add the migrations
rake event_capture:install:migrations
And run them
rake db:migrate
Mount the engine in config/routes.rb
mount EventCapture::Engine, at: "event_capture"
If you want to add controller filters, such as for authentication, you can do
so in an initializer. E.g. in config/initializers/event_capture.rb
require "event_capture/events_controller"
class EventCapture::EventsController
before_action :authenticate_participant!
Additionally, you can add additional parameters to an event in the controller.
class EventCapture::EventsController
# ...
def event_params
payload: params[:payload],
emitted_at: params[:emittedAt],
Load the JavaScript in your manifest
//= require event_capture
Use the client to emit data and handle server responses
var client = new EventCaptureClient('https://my.server.api');
var response = client.log({ kind: 'myEvent', payload: { foo: 'bar' } });
response.done(function(event) {
// ...
});, status, error) {
// ...
Create the database
rake app:db:create app:db:migrate
Run the specs
rake spec
rake rubocop
rake jshint