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Brought in unicode.xml (full list of all names)
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About 4,000 chars are now defined.
I spot checked a bunch of char names and they all seem to be the ones that will be used.

Added in short name checks for the chars (LaTeX_UseShortName).

Still need to deal with menclose.

Added more tests: 33 out of 35 pass. The two fails are due to spacing, and one of them is almost certainly a bad spec example.
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NSoiffer committed Mar 9, 2024
1 parent b341e84 commit d9d4280
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Showing 7 changed files with 4,039 additions and 211 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PythonScripts/euro-braille-short.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
\pll \parallel parallel
\r> \rangle Winkelklammer rechts
\ra \rightarrow einfacher Pfeil nach rechts
\Ra \rightarrow doppelter Pfeil nach rechts
\Ra \Rightarrow doppelter Pfeil nach rechts
\s \sqrt Wurzel
\sbs \subset Untermenge
\sbse \subseteq Untermenge und gleich
Expand Down
184 changes: 123 additions & 61 deletions PythonScripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,42 +23,56 @@ def create_unicode_from_latex_symbols_html(out_file: str):
unicode_list = list(map(lambda x: x.find('p').contents[0].split(' ')[0], foo))
combined = sorted(zip(unicode_list, latex_list))
for unicode, latex in combined:
write_line(unicode, latex, out_stream)
write_line(unicode, latex, "", out_stream)

def create_unicode_from_list_of_symbols_html(out_file: str):
def get_unicode_standard_symbols() -> dict[str, list[str]]:
# the HTML file has rowspans in it -- hence the use of table extractor
with open("List of mathematical symbols by subject.htm", encoding='utf8') as in_stream:
with open(out_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as out_stream:
file_contents = BeautifulSoup(in_stream, features="html.parser")
tables ='table')
if tables is None:
print("didn't find 'tables'")
all_entries = []
i = 0
for table in tables:
# print(f"table {i}")
table_string = table.decode()
extractor = Extractor(table_string)
rows = extractor.return_list()
i_latex = 3 if len(rows[1]) == 6 else 4
# print(f"row 2='{rows[2]}'")
for row in rows[1:]:
unicode = row[1].strip()
print(f"Error in getting unicode in {row}")
if len(unicode) == 1: # filter out "det", etc
latex: str = row[i_latex].split(',')[0].strip()
if latex.startswith('\\'): # filter out ASCII and some other oddballs
# print(f"unicode={unicode}, latex={latex}")
file_contents = BeautifulSoup(in_stream, features="html.parser")
tables ='table')
if tables is None:
print("didn't find 'tables'")
return {}
all_entries: list[tuple[str, str]] = []
i = 0
for table in tables:
# print(f"table {i}")
table_string = table.decode()
extractor = Extractor(table_string)
rows = extractor.return_list()
i_latex = 3 if len(rows[1]) == 6 else 4
# print(f"row 2='{rows[2]}'")
for row in rows[1:]:
unicode = row[1].text
if not isinstance(unicode, str):
unicode = unicode.strip()
# print(f"unicode='{unicode}' latex='{row[i_latex]}', latex type={type(row[i_latex])}")
# print(f" latex='{row[i_latex]}, type={type(row[i_latex])}")
except (IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError) as err:
print(f"Error in getting unicode in {row}\nError is '{err}'")
if len(unicode) == 1: # filter out "det", etc
latex_col = row[i_latex]
for code in'code'):
# print(f" *** code='{code.text}', type={type(code.text)}")
latex: str = code.text.strip()
if latex.startswith('\\'):
# filter out ASCII and some other oddballs
all_entries.append((unicode, latex))
i += 1
all_entries = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(all_entries)))
for unicode, latex in all_entries:
write_line(unicode, latex, out_stream)
i += 1
print(f'all_entries len={len(all_entries)}')
answer: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
for (key, val) in all_entries:
if key in answer:
if val not in answer[key]:
answer[key] = [val]
print(f'answer len={len(list(answer))}')
return answer

UNICODE_CH_PATTERN = re.compile(r' - "(.)"')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,53 +103,99 @@ def get_short_dict() -> dict[str, str]:
latex_name = parts[1].strip()
answer[latex_name] = short_name
for ch in ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase:
answer[f'\\mathbb{{{ch}}}'] = f'\\{ch}'
answer[f'\\mathbb𝐖{ch}'] = f'\\{ch}'
return answer

CHAR_IN_BRACES = re.compile(r'(\\.+)\{(.)\}')

def extract_latex(in_file):
short_names = get_short_dict()
standard_names = get_unicode_standard_symbols()
print(f'len standard names = {len(standard_names)}')
overrides = {
"*": "*", "{": "\\{", "}": "\\}", "|": "|",
"*": "*", "{": "\\{", "}": "\\}", "|": "|", "%": "%",
"°": "°", "ϵ": "\\epsilon", "≠": "\\not=", # varepsilon
"′": "'", "″": "''", "‴": "'''",
"≤": "\\le", "≥": "\\ge",
"\\cdotp": "\\cdots", "\\varnothing": "\\emptyset",
"△": "\\triangle", "→": "\\to",
"‰": "\\permil",

tree = ET.parse(in_file)
root = tree.getroot()
all_chars = root.find("charlist")
root: ET.Element = tree.getroot()
all_char_elements = root.find("charlist")
if all_char_elements is None:
print(f"Didn't find XML root in {in_file}!")

with open("latex-braille-unicode.yaml", 'w', encoding='utf8') as short_stream:
with open("latex-braille-unicode-full.yaml", 'w', encoding='utf8') as full_stream:
for char in all_chars:
ch = convert_to_char(char.get("id"))
for char_element in all_char_elements:
if char_element is None:
print("char_element is None!")
ch = char_element.get("id")
if ch is None:
print('char_element.get("id") is None!')
ch = convert_to_char(ch)
if len(ch) > 1:
code = ord(ch)
if code < 0x20:
# add in ASCII and the Greek block
is_in_common_char_blocks = code < 0x7F or (0x0370 <= code and code <= 0x03fF)
stream = short_stream if ch in UNICODE_CHARS_SHORT or is_in_common_char_blocks else full_stream
# use the standard name unless the char is in the override dict (if it and the standard name is an option, write it first)
if ch in standard_names:
latex_names = standard_names[ch]
is_overridden = ch in overrides
first_time = True
if is_overridden:
latex_name = overrides[ch]
write_line(ch, latex_name, short_names.get(latex_name, ''), False, stream)
first_time = False
# print(f"standard name list for {ch}: {latex_names}")
for latex_name in latex_names:
is_commented = False
if is_overridden and latex_name == overrides[ch]:
if first_time:
first_time = False
is_commented = True # alternative name
if # probably a better way to do this
latex_name = CHAR_IN_BRACES.sub(lambda match: f'{}𝐖{}', latex_name,)
write_line(ch, latex_name, short_names.get(latex_name, ''), is_commented, stream)
if ch in overrides:
print(f"found override for '{ch}': {overrides[ch]}")
latex_name = overrides[ch]
write_line(ch, latex_name, short_names.get(latex_name, ''), short_stream)
write_line(ch, latex_name, short_names.get(latex_name, ''), False, stream)

# add in ASCII and the Greek block
stream = short_stream if ch in UNICODE_CHARS_SHORT or code < 0x7F or (0x0370 <= code and code <= 0x03fF) else full_stream

# I wish there was a simple way to choose the names.
# Based on what David Carlisle (who maintains unicode.xml) recomends,
# 'math_latex' is the preferred field except for the alphabets (I only exclude Greek and math alphanumerics)
# For those, math_latex is more technically correct but not what most latex users are accustomed to
names_seen: list[str] = []
for style in ["mathlatex", "latex", "varlatex", "ams"]:
latex_name = char.find(style)
latex_name = char_element.find(style)
if latex_name is None:
latex_name:str = latex_name.text.strip()
# the fontencoding char won't happen and the \unicode (two ellipsis entries) have short names for the latex style
latex_name = latex_name.text
if latex_name is None:
latex_name = latex_name.strip()
# the fontencoding char won't happen
# the \unicode (two ellipsis entries) have short names for the latex style
if latex_name.startswith('{\\fontencoding{') or latex_name.startswith('\\unicode'):
if not latex_name.startswith('\\') and not latex_name.startswith('{') and code >= 0x7F:
Expand All @@ -161,19 +221,22 @@ def extract_latex(in_file):
latex_name = '\\backslash' # avoid '\textbackslash'
elif latex_name.startswith("\\mitBbb"):
latex_name = latex_name.replace("\\mitBbb", "") # exponential e, etc
elif # probably a better way to do this
latex_name = CHAR_IN_BRACES.sub(lambda match: f'{}𝐖{}', latex_name,)
if latex_name in names_seen:
is_commented = False
if len(names_seen) > 0:
stream.write('# ') # alternative name
write_line(ch, latex_name, short_names.get(latex_name, ''), stream)
is_commented = True # alternative name
write_line(ch, latex_name, short_names.get(latex_name, ''), is_commented, stream)

# write the invisible chars out
short_stream.write('\n # invisible chars\n')
write_line(chr(0x2061), '', '', short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2062), '', '', short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2063), '', '', short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2064), '', '', short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2061), '', '', False, short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2062), '', '', False, short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2063), '', '', False, short_stream)
write_line(chr(0x2064), '', '', False, short_stream)

def convert_to_char(str: str) -> str:
Expand All @@ -190,7 +253,7 @@ def convert_to_char(str: str) -> str:
return answer

def write_line(ch: str, latex: str, short: str, out_stream: TextIO):
def write_line(ch: str, latex: str, short: str, is_commented: bool, out_stream: TextIO):
def hex_string(ch: str) -> str:
comment = ''
if ch == '\\\\' or ch == '\\"':
Expand All @@ -200,7 +263,7 @@ def hex_string(ch: str) -> str:
comment = "0" + ch[1:]
return comment

if ord(ch) < 0x7F and len(latex) <= 1:
return # probably an ASCII char

Expand All @@ -218,16 +281,17 @@ def hex_string(ch: str) -> str:
# write untranslated text
latex = latex.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
short = short.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
comment = "#" if is_commented else ""
if short == '':
first_part_char = f' - "{ch}": [t: "{latex + long_space}"]'
first_part_char = f'{comment} - "{ch}": [t: "{latex + long_space}"]'
out_stream.write(f'{first_part_char:<40} # {hex_string(ch)}\n')
first_part_char = f' - "{ch}":'
first_part_short = f' then: [t: "{short + short_space}"]'
first_part_long = f' else: [t: "{latex + long_space}"]'
first_part_char = f'{comment} - "{ch}":'
first_part_short = f'{comment} then: [t: "{short + short_space}"]'
first_part_long = f'{comment} else: [t: "{latex + long_space}"]'
out_stream.write(f'{first_part_char:<40} # {hex_string(ch)}\n')
out_stream.write(' - test:\n')
out_stream.write(' if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName"\n')
out_stream.write(f'{comment} - test:\n')
out_stream.write(f'{comment} if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName"\n')
out_stream.write(f'{first_part_long}\n') # not sure why, but this gives better alignment
# write the translated dots
Expand All @@ -245,7 +309,7 @@ def hex_string(ch: str) -> str:
# out_stream.write(' if: "$LaTeX_UseShortName=\'True\'"\n')
# out_stream.write(f'{first_part_long:<34} # {latex}\n') # not sure why, but this gives better alignment
# out_stream.write(f'{first_part_short:<36} # {short}\n')
except IOError:
print(f"failed to write a line for ch='{ch}/{hex_string(ch)}'")

Expand All @@ -261,9 +325,7 @@ def create_greek_letters(out_file: str):
all_entries.append((parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip()))
all_entries = sorted(all_entries)
for unicode, latex in all_entries:
write_line(unicode, latex, out_stream)

write_line(unicode, latex, "", False, out_stream)

# create_unicode_from_list_of_symbols_html("euro-symbols2.yaml")
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