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Fix #25 -- now says zoomed out all the way
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Also fixed "MoveLastLocation" -- several mistakes there.
Seemed to be a bad bug regarding setting the NavNode on start, but maybe it wasn't actually used.

Turned off some debugging output
  • Loading branch information
NSoiffer committed Apr 6, 2022
1 parent 1fe7d0a commit ba723da
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Showing 2 changed files with 102 additions and 63 deletions.
92 changes: 52 additions & 40 deletions Rules/Languages/en/navigate.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -177,25 +177,27 @@
tag: "*"
match: "$NavCommand = 'MoveLastLocation'"
- test:
if: "$NavVerbosity != 'Terse'"
- test:
- if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomIn'"
then: [t: "undo zoom in"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomOut'"
then: [t: "undo zoom out"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomInAll'"
then: [t: "undo zooming in all the way"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomOutAll'"
then: [t: "undo zooming out all the way"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'MovePrevious' or $PreviousNavCommand = 'MovePreviousZoom'"
then: [t: "undo move left"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'MoveNext' or $PreviousNavCommand = 'MoveNextZoom'"
then: [t: "undo move right"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = ''"
then: [t: "no previous command"]
- pause: "long"
- test:
if: "$NavVerbosity != 'Terse'"
- test:
- if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomIn'"
then: [t: "undo zoom in"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomOut'"
then: [t: "undo zoom out"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomInAll'"
then: [t: "undo zooming in all the way"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'ZoomOutAll'"
then: [t: "undo zooming out all the way"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'MovePrevious' or $PreviousNavCommand = 'MovePreviousZoom'"
then: [t: "undo move left"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'MoveNext' or $PreviousNavCommand = 'MoveNextZoom'"
then: [t: "undo move right"]
- else_if: "$PreviousNavCommand = 'None'"
then: [t: "no previous command"]
- pause: "long"
- set_variables: [NavNode: "@id"]

# many times, for typographic reasons, people include punctuation at the end of a math expr
# these rules detect that and skip speaking it (should be similar regular rule)
Expand All @@ -209,30 +211,21 @@
- x: "*[1]"

name: skip-punct-at-end-zoom-out
tag: mrow
- "($NavCommand = 'ZoomOut' or $NavCommand = 'ZoomOutAll') and"
- " parent::m:math and count(*)=2 and"
- " *[2][translate(.,'.,;:?', '')='']"
- x: ".."

# ********* ZoomIn ***************
name: zoom-in-leaf
tag: "*"
match: "($NavCommand = 'ZoomIn' or $NavCommand = 'ZoomInAll') and IsNode(., 'leaf')"
- test:
if: "$MatchCounter = 0"
then: [t: "zoomed in all of the way", pause: "long"]
- test:
if: "$ReadZoomLevel!=-1"
- set_variables: [ReadZoomLevel: "0"]
- set_variables: [NavNode: "@id", ]
- test:
if: "$MatchCounter = 0"
then: [t: "zoomed in all of the way", pause: "long"]
- test:
if: "$ReadZoomLevel!=-1"
- set_variables: [ReadZoomLevel: "0"]
- set_variables: [NavNode: "@id"]

# special case of zooming into a matrix or determinant -- move to the first element
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,10 +353,29 @@
tag: math
match: "$NavCommand = 'ZoomOut' or $NavCommand = 'ZoomOutAll'"
- test:
if: "$MatchCounter = 0"
then: [t: "zoom out", pause: "long"]
- set_variables: [NavNode: "*[1]/@id"] # no-op for $NavCommand = 'ZoomOut'
- test:
if: "$MatchCounter = 0"
then: [t: "zoomed out all the way", pause: "long"]
- set_variables: [NavNode: "*[1]/@id"] # no-op for $NavCommand = 'ZoomOut'

name: zoom-out-top
tag: "*"
- "($NavCommand = 'ZoomOut' or $NavCommand = 'ZoomOut') and"
- "parent::m:math "
- x: ".." # let math rule deal with it

name: skip-punct-at-end-zoom-out
tag: mrow
- "($NavCommand = 'ZoomOut' or $NavCommand = 'ZoomOutAll') and"
- " parent::m:math and count(*)=2 and"
- " *[2][translate(.,'.,;:?', '')='']"
- x: ".."

name: zoom-out-all-default
Expand Down
73 changes: 50 additions & 23 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ impl NavigationState {
context.set_variable("NavCommand", command);

if command == "WhereAmI" && self.where_am_i == NavigationPosition::default() {
context.set_variable("NavNode", self.where_am_i.current_node.as_str());
context.set_variable("NavNodeOffset", self.where_am_i.current_node_offset as f64);
} else {
let position = &self.position_stack[self.position_stack.len()-1];
context.set_variable("NavNode", position.current_node.as_str());
context.set_variable("NavNodeOffset", position.current_node_offset as f64);
} else {
context.set_variable("NavNode", self.where_am_i.current_node.as_str());
context.set_variable("NavNodeOffset", self.where_am_i.current_node_offset as f64);

// get the index from command (e.g., '3' in 'SetPlacemarker3 or MoveTo3' and set 'PlaceMarker' to it's position)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,21 +360,16 @@ pub fn do_navigate_command_string(mathml: Element, nav_command: &'static str) ->

nav_state.init_navigation_context(rules_with_context.get_context(), nav_command,;

debug!("NavCommand: {}, NavMode {}", nav_command, nav_state.mode);

// start navigation off at the right node
let start_node_id = if nav_command == "MoveLastLocation" {
match nav_state.pop() {
None => mathml.attribute_value("id)").unwrap().to_string(),
Some( (position, _) ) => position.current_node,
} else {
match {
None => mathml.attribute_value("id").unwrap().to_string(),
Some( (position, _) ) => position.current_node.clone(),
if nav_command == "MoveLastLocation" {
let start_node_id = match {
None => mathml.attribute_value("id").unwrap().to_string(),
Some( (position, _) ) => position.current_node.clone(),

// debug!("NavCommand: {}, NavMode {}, start_node_id {}", nav_command, nav_state.mode, start_node_id);

let start_node = match get_node_by_id(mathml, &start_node_id) {
Some(node) => node,
None => {
Expand All @@ -391,7 +386,7 @@ pub fn do_navigate_command_string(mathml: Element, nav_command: &'static str) ->
.replace(CONCAT_INDICATOR, "")
debug!("Nav Speech: {}", speech);
// debug!("Nav Speech: {}", speech);

// FIX: add things that need to do
// do a speech replacement based on some marker for "where am i" and others that loop ([Speak: id])???
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,8 +419,9 @@ pub fn do_navigate_command_string(mathml: Element, nav_command: &'static str) ->
if (nav_command.starts_with("Move") || nav_command.starts_with("Zoom")) && nav_command != "MoveLastLocation" {
// push the new location on the stack
if nav_position != NavigationPosition::default() {
debug!("nav_state: pushing on {}", &nav_position);
if nav_position.current_node != ILLEGAL_NODE_ID {
// debug!("nav_state: pushing on {}", &nav_position);
let current_node = nav_position.current_node.as_str();
if current_node != && current_node != ILLEGAL_NODE_ID {
nav_state.push(nav_position.clone(), nav_command);
Expand All @@ -438,7 +434,7 @@ pub fn do_navigate_command_string(mathml: Element, nav_command: &'static str) ->

debug!("{}", &nav_state);
// debug!("{}", &nav_state);
let nav_mathml = get_node_by_id(mathml, &nav_position.current_node);
if nav_mathml.is_some() && context_get_variable(context, "SpeakExpression", mathml)?.0.unwrap() == "true" {
// Speak/Overview of where we landed (if we are supposed to speak it)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +472,7 @@ pub fn do_navigate_command_string(mathml: Element, nav_command: &'static str) ->
let (top_position, top_command) = nav_state.pop().unwrap();
let mut count = count-1;
loop {
debug!(" ... loop count={}", count);
// debug!(" ... loop count={}", count);
let (_, nav_command) =;
if (nav_command.starts_with("Move") || nav_command.starts_with("Zoom")) && nav_command != "MoveLastLocation" {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -921,7 +917,7 @@ mod tests {
test_command("ZoomOut", mathml, "msup");

let nav_speech = do_navigate_command_and_param(mathml, NavigationCommand::Zoom, NavigationParam::Previous)?;
debug!("Full speech: {}", nav_speech);
// debug!("Full speech: {}", nav_speech);
NAVIGATION_STATE.with(|nav_stack| {
let (id, _) = nav_stack.borrow().get_navigation_mathml_id(mathml);
assert_eq!(id, "mfrac");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -954,6 +950,37 @@ mod tests {

fn text_extremes_and_move_last_location() -> Result<()> {
let mathml_str = "<math id='math'><mfrac id='mfrac'>
<msup id='msup'><mi id='base'>b</mi><mn id='exp'>2</mn></msup>
<mi id='denom'>d</mi>
return MATHML_INSTANCE.with(|package_instance| {
let package_instance = package_instance.borrow();
let mathml = get_element(&*package_instance);
NAVIGATION_STATE.with(|nav_stack| {
current_node: "base".to_string(),
current_node_offset: 0
}, "None")

test_command("ZoomOutAll", mathml, "mfrac");
test_command("ZoomOut", mathml, "mfrac");
test_command("MoveLastLocation", mathml, "base"); // second zoom out should do nothing

test_command("ZoomOut", mathml, "msup");
test_command("ZoomInAll", mathml, "base");
test_command("ZoomIn", mathml, "base");
test_command("MoveLastLocation", mathml, "msup"); // second zoom in should do nothing

return Ok( () );

fn move_to_start() -> Result<()> {
// init_logger();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,7 +1010,7 @@ mod tests {
test_command("MoveLineStart", mathml, "msup");

let nav_speech = do_navigate_command_and_param(mathml, NavigationCommand::Move, NavigationParam::Start)?;
debug!("Full speech: {}", nav_speech);
// debug!("Full speech: {}", nav_speech);
NAVIGATION_STATE.with(|nav_stack| {
let (id, _) = nav_stack.borrow().get_navigation_mathml_id(mathml);
assert_eq!(id, "mfrac");
Expand Down

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