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TwinCAT 3 Motion Control Utilities - PLC Motion Library for all PCDS Applications


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Twincat 3 Motion Control Utilities for LCLS PCDS EPICS

Quick Start

The library is installed on the plc programming nodes as lcls-twincat-motion. Once installed, you can create a motion-ioc-compatible setup with default settings by declaring in Main:

M1: ST_MotionStage;
fbMotion1: FB_MotionStage;

And invoking as:


You would then link your hardware as appropriate to M1.Axis, M1.bLimitForwardEnable, M1.bLimitBackwardEnable, M1.bHome, M1.bBrakeRelease, and M1.bHardwareEnable. It is important to set M1.nEnableMode the value the most fits your use case (see settings below). You also need to set bPowerSelf to TRUE, unless your device participates in LCLS's PMPS system, where it must be FALSE.

Note that currently, the ST_MotionStage instances must be named Main.M1, Main.M2... etc. due to limitations in the EPICS driver.

Simulated Axis

If you want to try out the IOC with a simulated axes, a shortcut function block is provided as:

fbMotionSim: FB_MotionStageSim;

This block removes all hardware-related protections to get the simulated axis moving, e.g.

stMotionStage.bLimitBackwardEnable := TRUE;
stMotionStage.bLimitForwardEnable := TRUE;
stMotionStage.bHardwareEnable := TRUE;
stMotionStage.bPowerSelf := TRUE;
stMotionStage.nEnableMode := ENUM_StageEnableMode.ALWAYS;
fbMotionStage(stMotionStage := stMotionStage);


ST_MotionStage has the following settings:

Setting Type Usage Default
bPowerSelf BOOL If FALSE (default), then FB_MotionStage will expect an external PMPS function block to call MC_Power appropriately. You can switch this to TRUE to opt out of PMPS and handle motor enabling within FB_MotionStage. In version 4.1.0 of the library, this is no longer an optional parameter and will be set automatically to FALSE if the PMPS enable function block is used. This is because the PMPS enable function block should never be used without bPowerSelf set to FALSE. FALSE
nEnableMode ENUM_StageEnableMode Automatically enable the NC Axis ALWAYS, NEVER, or only DURING_MOTION (default). Switch this to ALWAYS if you want active position correction at all times and to NEVER if you're doing checkout with the TwinCAT NC GUI. DURING_MOTION
nBrakeMode ENUM_StageBrakeMode Break disengage timing. Disengage the break IF_ENABLED (default), IF_MOVING, or never change the break state with NO_BRAKE. Note that this does nothing unless a brake is linked to bBrakeRelease. IF_ENABLED
nHomingMode ENUM_EpicsHomeCmd Pick which switch to home to, or not to require homing (default). NONE
fHomePosition LREAL The position to set at the home switch. 0
bGantryMode BOOL Set to TRUE to activate gantry EPS. FALSE
nGantryTol LINT If the gantry error is greater than this number of encoder counts, trigger a virtual limit. 0
nEncRef ULINT Encoder count for gantry motion where the two axes are aligned. 0

Provided Resources

Resource Type Usage
ST_MotionStage struct Contains all relevant information about a single axis. You can pass this around and manipulate it inside of other function blocks. It relys on FB_MotionStage to provide the logic.
ST_PositionState struct Contains all information about a specific position state, e.g. "out"
FB_MotionStage function block Provides a connection to ESS's motion library for motor record functionality, as well as some standard handling of brake and auto enable/disable.
FB_MotionStageSim function block Shortcut to getting a simulated axis running.
FB_MotionRequest function block Moves an axis handled by FB_MotionStage to a specific position.
FB_PositionStateMove function block Moves an axis to a specific position state.
FB_PositionStateManager function block Moves an axis to any one of MOTION_GVL.MAX_STATES (= currently 9) preset position states. Intended for EPICS use.
FB_EpicsInOut function block Example usage of FB_PositionStateManager for a simple in/out device.
FB_PositionStateLock function block Allows states to be immutable if configured as such
ENUM_EpicsHomeCmd enum Options for axis homing through the motor record
ENUM_EpicsMotorCmd enum Options for axis commands through the motor record. You can use these through TwinCAT too.
ENUM_StageBrakeMode enum Options for axis brake mode. Brake can be enabled at standstill or at disabled.
Enum_StageEnableMode enum Options for axis enable/disable handling. Axis can be enabled always, never, or only during motion.


To activate a homing routing, put 1 to the EPICS :PLC:bHomeCmd field. Note: the .HOMF and .HOMR fields work in some cases at the IOC, but are currently buggy.

To configure a homing routine, set the fHomePosition variable to the position to use after homing, and set the nHomingMode variable to pick a strategy. These strategies are stored in ENUM_EpicsHomeCmd enum. All homing motion strategies move towards their destinations using the "Homing Velocity (towards plc cam)" parameter , then off of the switch using the "Homing velocity (off plc cam)" parameter. The normal options are:

  • LOW_LIMIT: Move to the low limit (backward) switch. Set home position at the first point we see as we leave the switch.
  • HIGH_LIMIT: Move to the high limit (forward) switch. Set home position at the first point we see as we leave the switch.
  • HOME_VIA_LOW: Move towards the low limit (backward) switch, seeking out the position where bHome is TRUE. If we reach the limit switch without finding bHome, reverse direction and try moving towards the high switch. Set home position to the point just above the bHome signal.
  • HOME_VIA_HIGH: Move towards the high limit (forward) switch, seeking out the position where bHome is TRUE. If we reach the limit switch without finding bHome, reverse direction and try moving towards the low switch. Set home position to the point just below the bHome signal.

There are two additional special-case options:

  • ABSOLUTE_SET: When we ask for a home, do not move the motor- simply declare the current position as "home". This is basically a manual homing routine.
  • None: Do not home! Ever! This is actually the default value, and the only one "implemented" prior to this PR.

If the homing strategy is set to any value other than None, the library knows we have a motor that wants save/restore. In these cases, the last position of the motor will be saved on TwinCAT shutdown and restored on the first cycle of the PLC program. This prevents the location of your relatively encoded motor from being lost when the PLC is reconfigured.

States Function Blocks

This library contains support for user moves among named position states. These are currently implemented up to 3 dimensions but internally there is no limit to how many motors can be associated with one state mover, so this can be trivially expanded in the future.

This includes support for EPICS moves between states. The function block will begin a move when the user caputs a new enum value, cancelling a previous move if one was in process.

This also includes support for PMPS using lcls-twincat-pmps.

States Setup

Before doing any states setup, make sure your motor is set up properly using ST_MotionStage and FB_MotionStage as above. You'll want to keep bPowerSelf at FALSE if you plan to use PMPS states, otherwise change it to TRUE as normal.

Picking the Right function block

Start by picking the function block that most closely matches your use case (number of motors, PMPS or no PMPS). E.g. if you have two motors and you need PMPS, pick FB_PositionStatePMPS2D.

In addition, if you only have IN and OUT states, consider using one of the example function blocks, which have slighly simplified interfaces and can bypass some of the setup steps:

  • FB_PositionState1D_InOut
  • FB_PositionState2D_InOut
  • FB_PositionStatePMPS1D_InOut
  • FB_PositionStatePMPS2D_InOut

Set Global Parameters

Next, determine how many states you'll be using. The lcls-twincat-general library has GeneralConstants.MAX_STATES set to 15 by default, which is the maximum number of named states we can support with EPICS MBBI/MBBO records. Feel free to reduce this number to save on resources if no states device in your PLC uses that many states, or increase it if your PLC needs more states and plans to use some other record for the input/output.

If you aren't using any multidimensional states, feel free to reduce the value of MotionConstants.MAX_STATE_MOTORS as well, which defaults to 3.

If you aren't sure about these, leave them alone for now, the defaults are sensible. Later, you can check the values of MOTION_GVL.nMaxStateMotorCount and MOTION_GVL.nMaxStates if you want to know how many motors per state and how many states your PLC is actually using.

See here for information on parameter lists and how to set their values in your project.

Configure Each State Position

To configure state positions, you'll be creating an array with the following sort of declaration per motor:

astPositionState: ARRAY [1..GeneralConstants.MAX_STATES] of ST_PositionState;

Note that, for ND states, you'll match the states by their array position. That is, a move to state 2 will move all motors to state 2. Make sure to fill in the states with all the important information. Here's an overview of all the fields for each state:

Setting Type Usage Default
sName STRING The name associated with the state. In some contexts this will be used to identify the state. ''
fPosition LREAL The physical position of the state in engineering units. Either provide fPosition or nEncoderCount, but not both. 0
nEncoderCount UDINT The physical position of the state in encoder counts. Either provide fPosition or nEncoderCount, but not both. 0
bUseRawCounts BOOL Set this to TRUE to use nEncoderCount as the source of truth for positions, instead of the default fPosition. FALSE
bValid BOOL Set this to TRUE to prove to the PLC that this is a real state. This starts as FALSE to make sure that we don't ever consider uninitialized states in any of the function blocks. FALSE
bMoveOk BOOL This must be set to TRUE to allow moves to this state. You can set this to FALSE during operations to temporarily prevent unsafe moves. For devices like common components this is often set in lcls-twincat-common-components instead of in the project itself. FALSE
fDelta LREAL The maximum allowed distance between the motor's position in engineering units and the set position where we are still considered to be "at" the state. 0
fVelocity LREAL The speed we move toward this state at. 0
fAccel LREAL Optional: the acceleration to use for moves to this state 0
fDecel LREAL Optional: the deceleration to use for moves to this state 0
bLocked BOOL Optional: set this to TRUE to lock the parameters in place. That is, whatever parameters we have set when we reach the first states handler will be restored on every cycle. FALSE
stPMPS ST_DbStateParams Contains the PMPS lookup information associated with this state. You must set the sPmpsState STRING attribute to the database key to participate in a PMPS lookup.

You should leave the unused states uninitialized if you have fewer states than GeneralConstants.MAX_STATES.

Doing this configuration by hand in a line-by-line matter would be tedious and error-prone. A helper function block is provided to help you set up the states in a way that is less tedious and easier to audit by eye. You do this by setting default values for common fields and then applying state-specific fields in a series of one-line calls that end up looking like a table. See the following example:

    bStateSetup: FB_StateSetupHelper;
    stDefault: ST_PositionState := (
        fDelta := 0.5,
        fVelocity := 10,
        bMoveOk := TRUE,
        bValid := TRUE
    astStates1: ARRAY[1..GeneralConstants.MAX_STATES] OF ST_PositionState;
    astStates2: ARRAY[1..GeneralConstants.MAX_STATES] OF ST_PositionState;
    astStates2: ARRAY[1..GeneralConstants.MAX_STATES] OF ST_PositionState;

fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=stDefault, bSetDefault:=TRUE);

fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates1[1], sName:='OUT', fPosition:=10);
fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates1[2], sName:='YAG', fPosition:=20);
fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates1[3], sName:='TT', fPosition:=30);

fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates2[1], sName:='OUT', fPosition:=-30);
fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates2[2], sName:='YAG', fPosition:=35);
fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates2[3], sName:='TT', fPosition:=70);

fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates3[1], sName:='OUT', fPosition:=0.4, fDelta:=0.1);
fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates3[2], sName:='YAG', fPosition:=2.3, fDelta:=0.1);
fbStateSetup(stPositionState:=astStates3[3], sName:='TT', fPosition:=5.6, fDelta:=0.1;

Enum Setup and PyTMC

It is expected, though not required, to supply an enum to use to control the setpoint and readback as an interface to the EPICS MBBI/MBBO. You need to instantiate one enum for the readback and one enum for the setpoint. It is required to make 0 be the Unknown state in this enum and have states 1 onward match the state array positions from the earlier steps. In some contexts, this is what is used to name each state.

For an example valid enum, see ENUM_EpicsInOut.TcDUT.

You should avoid writing to this enum from PLC code, and if you do write to this enum from PLC code make sure you only write to it for a single cycle to emulate the EPICS behavior.

Here is an example of one correct way to apply pytmc pragmas to the enums and function blocks to make sure you match the expected PV structure for maximum compatibility with pydm screens, typhos, and pcdsdevices:

    {attribute 'pytmc' := '
      io: io
    eStateSet: ENUM_EpicsInOut;
    {attribute 'pytmc' := '
      io: i
    eStateGet: ENUM_EpicsInOut;
    {attribute 'pytmc' := 'pv: MY:PREFIX'}
    fbPositionState1D: FB_PositionState1D;

Putting it all together

Pass in your ST_MotionStage structs, your state arrays, and your enums to the appropriate inputs. Make sure you also pass bEnable := TRUE if you want moves to be enabled.


States with PMPS

States with PMPS have the following additional setup:

  • For at least one of the motors, set stPMPS.sPmpsState to the PMPS database lookup key on each state position.
  • Pass in sDeviceName to the device name desired for the PMPS diagnostic.
  • Pass in sTransitionKey to the beam parameter lookup needed for transition states.
  • Rather than a single bEnable, set bEnableMotion, bEnableBeamParams, and bEnablePositionLimits to TRUE (unless you want to disable any of those features.)

Older Versions

There have been several iterations of the states code with the intent of cleaning up the usage, enabling N-dimensional states, and other quality-of-life tweaks. Older version are kept in the library but are kept in a folder named "Deprecated" and have the "obsolete" attribute pragma, which will show warnings if you compile a project using them. These function blocks will remain unchanged but will not get bugfixes or features updates.

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TwinCAT 3 Motion Control Utilities - PLC Motion Library for all PCDS Applications







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