A 2-D vehicle simulator for autonomous vehicle research.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- command_line_tools/ -- a library for parsing JSON-like configs from the command line
- coordinated_optimizer/ -- a library of distributed direct policy search methods
- data_logging/ -- a library for logging experimental data
- factored_gym/ -- a library for implementing AI gyms as separate components (process, reward function, observation function, terminator, etc)
- hpc/ -- scripts and utilities for running K_Road on HPC systems
- k_road/ -- the K_Road simulator
- scenario/ -- example scenarios for K_Road
- trainer/ -- Various RL algorithm implementations for use with RLLib and KRoad
# create env
conda create --name k_road
# install dependencies
conda install numpy scipy
pip install pygame pymunk
# Optional:
conda install nb_conda_kernels
# with GPU:
# first, install CUDA drivers: http://www.nvidia.com/getcuda
sudo nvidia-xconfig
# then reboot
conda install tensorflow-gpu
# without GPU:
conda install tensorflow
pip install stable_baselines