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Mattias Johansson edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 5 revisions

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NovacProgram v3.4

Supported spectrometer models

The following is the list of spectrometers currently supported inherently by the NovacProgram. The maximum possible intensity of a given spectrum is given by the combination of Single readout maximum intensity and Averages spectra. If Averages spectra is true the maximum possible intensity will be the same as the Single readout maximum intensity. If Averages spectra is false the maximum possible intensity will be the number of readouts times the Single readout maximum intensity.

Name Pixels Single readout maximum intensity Averages spectra
S2000 2048 4095 false
USB2000 2048 4095 false
USB2000+ 2048 65535 false
USB4000 2048 65535 false
HR2000 2048 4095 false
HR4000 2048 16535 false
QE65000 1024 65535 false
MAYAPRO 2048 65535 false
AVASPEC 2048 16383 false
FLAME 2048 65536 true?

As of version 3.4, the model of the spectrometer is not written into the pak-files and the NovacProgram will therefore infer the spectrometer model from the serial-number of the spectrometer.

Note In older versions of the NovacProgram, the single readout maximum intensity was hard-coded to 4095, regardless of the spectrometer model. This led to problems with supporting newer spectrometers and a work-around was found when the MayaPro was introduced: the number of spectra co-added was set to 16x the actual number by Kongo - this tricked the NovacProgram to not reject the spectra as saturated even if the intensity exceeded 4095 counts per readout.

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