- candle - container with data which describes, stock quotes changes in timinterval
- datetime|start_date_time - time when candle opened
- open - price when candle open
- high - max price in candle time interval
- low - min price in candle time interval
- close - price when candle close
- volume - amount of trades in candle
- step_timeframe|step_tf|stf - interval of time when candle will recalculate
- timeframe|tf - interval of time which contain in one candle
NNTrade.source.market @ git+https://[email protected]/NNTrade/market-source-lib.git#egg=NNTrade.source.market
- QuoteSource - main tool to get quotes
- Stock quote client - client to get stock quotes
- Cache storage - service to stock cache data
- Choose which Stock quote client will you use
- Choose which Cache storage will you use
- Init them
from NNTrade.source.market.client import AbsStockQuoteClient
from NNTrade.source.market.cache import AbsCacheQuote
cq = AbsCacheQuote()
sqc = AbsStockQuoteClient()
- Init QuoteSource
qs = QuoteSource(cq,sqc)
- Call required stock
qs.get("EURUSD", TimeFrame.m1, date(2021, 4, 2), date(2021, 4, 4))