Trendy era
This is my first DE-less rice, i usually pick the most popular specs of other rices on r/unixporn hands the name.
Busy screenshot of my first DE-less rice:
- OS: Arch-linux (it's Manjaro actually..., i thinks Arch is cooler and Manjaro is Arch based so i do the trick)
- Shell: ZSH
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Font: Jetbrains Mono
- Colorscheme: Srcery
- Bar: Polybar
- Notification: Dunst
- Compositor: Tryone144's Picom fork
- Wallpaper: Brown wooden chairs by Florencia Viadana (here is my edit)
- Running: Terminal-mines, Neovim (config), VIFM, Old Bfetch (with Game Btw textart), Unimatrix