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Removed duplicate entry and moved to latest HAPI FHIR version #39

Removed duplicate entry and moved to latest HAPI FHIR version

Removed duplicate entry and moved to latest HAPI FHIR version #39

Triggered via push March 15, 2024 11:34
Status Failure
Total duration 4m 25s


9 errors
Testing validation passes for valid HL7 FHIR resources › Examples/pass/MedicationRequest-alienProfile-pass.json › Test resource with unknown profile passes validation (AEA-1806): IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L62
expect(received).toBeFalsy() Received: "ERROR Profile reference '' has not been checked because it is unknown [ Location - MedicationRequest.meta.profile[0]] [ Location - Line[1] Col[2]]" at resourceChecks (src/common.js.ts:62:26) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:550:13)
Testing validation passes for valid HL7 FHIR resources › Examples/pass/outpatient-four-items-cancel-subsequent-response-morphine.json › Test prescription-order-response is tested with correct NHSDigital-MedicationRequest-Outcome profile and not NHSDigital-MedicationRequest (AEA-1805): IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L62
expect(received).toBeFalsy() Received: "ERROR Unsupported message type" at resourceChecks (src/common.js.ts:62:26) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:550:13)
Testing validation fails invalid FHIR resources › Examples/fail/patientError.json › Check validation fails when no NHS Number is supplied: IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L70
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality Expected: true Received: false at resourceCheckErrorMessage (src/common.js.ts:70:39) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:353:13)
Testing validation fails invalid FHIR resources › Examples/fail/PractitionerRole-invalidGMC.json › Check validation fails on PractitionerRole when invalid GMC Number is supplied: IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L70
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality Expected: true Received: false at resourceCheckErrorMessage (src/common.js.ts:70:39) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:330:13)
Testing validation fails invalid FHIR resources › Examples/fail/MedicationRequest-dmdCode.json › Check validation fails when medication code is supplied with the future dm+d system: IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L70
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality Expected: true Received: false at resourceCheckErrorMessage (src/common.js.ts:70:39) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:330:13)
Testing validation fails invalid FHIR resources › Examples/fail/MedicationDispense-dmdCode.json › Check validation fails when medication code is supplied with the future dm+d system: IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L70
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality Expected: true Received: false at resourceCheckErrorMessage (src/common.js.ts:70:39) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:330:13)
Testing validation fails invalid FHIR resources › Examples/fail/Bundle-prescription-rest-references.json › Test HL7 FHIR Message Bundle passes validation (AEA-1833): IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L73
expect(received).toContain(expected) // indexOf Expected substring: "Bundled or contained reference not found within the bundle" Received string: "ERROR Wrong Display Name 'Paracetamol 500mg tablets' for Valid display is one of 5 choices: ['Paracetamol 500 mg oral tablet' (en), 'Acetaminophen 500 mg oral tablet' (en-x-sctlang-90000000-00005090-07), 'Paracetamol 500 mg oral tablet' (en), 'Product containing precisely paracetamol 500 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (clinical drug)' (en), 'Paracetamol 500 mg oral tablet' (en-x-sctlang-90000000-00005080-04)] (for the language(s) '--') for '' [ Location - Bundle.entry[4].resource/*MedicationRequest/null*/.medication.ofType(CodeableConcept).coding[0]] [ Location - Line[170] Col[10]] ERROR Wrong Display Name 'Ibuprofen 200mg tablets' for Valid display is one of 5 choices: ['Ibuprofen 200 mg oral tablet' (en), 'Product containing precisely ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (clinical drug)' (en), 'Ibuprofen 200 mg oral tablet' (en-x-sctlang-90000000-00005080-04), 'Ibuprofen 200 mg oral tablet' (en-x-sctlang-90000000-00005090-07), 'Ibuprofen 200 mg oral tablet' (en-x-sctlang-99900069-10000011-04)] (for the language(s) '--') for '' [ Location - Bundle.entry[6].resource/*MedicationRequest/null*/.medication.ofType(CodeableConcept).coding[0]] [ Location - Line[342] Col[10]] ERROR Unsupported message type" at resourceCheckErrorMessage (src/common.js.ts:73:23) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:330:13)
Terminology Tests › Examples/fail/MedicationRequest-not-dmd-drug.json › Check validation fails when non dm+d SNOMED drug code is supplied: IOPS-FHIR-Test-Scripts/src/common.js.ts#L70
expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality Expected: true Received: false at resourceCheckErrorMessage (src/common.js.ts:70:39) at Object.<anonymous> (src/common.js.ts:330:13)
Process completed with exit code 1.