The purpose of this package is to connect ROS with the ARGoS (henceforth argos) robot simulator.
The basic concept is the use of an argos plugin (in the 'plugin' directory). When argos is executed it looks at ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH which you should have configured to find this plugin. The plugin represents a single robot which subscribes and publishes to ROS topics. If the argos world has multiple robots, they will each have a separate instance of the C++ class in the 'plugin' dir which connects to ROS.
Argos bridge is provided with a docker environment which includes all components needed for a simple demo.
Start the container using:
docker-compose up --build
Open a bash shell using:
docker exec -it $(docker ps --format "{{.ID}}") /bin/bash
Find the launch script at argos_brige/launch to start a simulation.
Example usage:
./ [name of argos world] [name of ros launch file]
Store argos worlds and ros launch files in the launch directory according to the file structure:
|-> /argos_worlds {store argos files here}
|-> /roslaunch_files {store ros launch files here}
|-> {launch script for simulations}
|-> {kills all ros and argos processes to end a simulation}
|-> CMakeLists.txt
|-> package.xml
|-> /launch
|-> /argos_worlds
|-> /roslaunch_files
|-> /msg
|-> /plugin
|-> CmakeLists.txt
|-> /loop_functions
|-> /clock_loop_functions
|-> /controllers
|-> /khepraiv_ros
|-> /abstract_ros_controller
|-> ros_lib_links
|-> scripts
Peter Nikopoulos ([email protected])
(originally forked from BOTSlab/argos_bridge)