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Multi Robot Task Allocation (MRTA)

This repository provides solution for the multi robot task allocation (MRTA) problems.


Users can use this repository in two ways: with or without using a json file. There is no preference for one over other, it is up to users to decide.

You can skip to next section if you are not using

Skip to Getting Solution

Using JSON file

This repository uses nlohmann/json library to parse the json file. Please make sure to install it prior to usage.

The expected structure of the json file looks as following:

// Setup of the problem
"setup": {
  "robots" : (int),           // (MANDATORY) number of robots 
  "tasks"  : (int),           // (MANDATORY) number of tasks 
  "num_skills" : (int),       // (MANDATORY) total number of skills 

  "use_robot_ends" : (bool),  // (optional) (default: False) Whether to consider travel to end points or not
  "use_stochasticity": (bool),// (optional) (default: False) Whether to use the travel time stochasticity or not
  "epsilon"       : (float),  // (optional) (default: 0.95) Probability that a robot should arrive at a task within time
  "mean_percent"  : (float),  // (optional) (default: 10)  Gaussian variable for time stochasticity
  "configuration" : "NONE",   // (optional) (unused variable) Will be used in future to specify which solver to be used.

// Task description
"tasks": {
  "<task_name>" : {         // Task Name
    "pos" :  {              // Task Position
      "x" :  (float), 
      "y" : (float)
    "skillset" :  {          // Skillset required
      "<skill_1_name>" : (float),  // Amount of skill 1 required
      "<skill_3_name>" : (float)   // Note that you can skip skill 2 in description
    "duration" : (float)           // Duration that the task will take

// Robots description
"robots" : {
  "<robot_name>" : {           // Robot Name
    "pos" : {                  // Robot Starting position
        "x" : (float),
        "y" : (float)
    "desired_end_position": { // Robot's desired position at the end. 
                              // NOTE: this field will only be considered if 
                              // field `use_robot_ends` is set to TRUE in the setup. 
        "x": (float),
        "y": (float)
    "skillset" : {        // Robot Skillset
        "<skill_1_name>" : (float),  // Amount of skill 1 offered by robot
        "<skill_3_name>" : (float)   // Note that you can skip skill 2 in description

// (optional) Expected rate of skill degradation, per timestep. 
"skill_degradation_rates": {      
    "<skill_1_name>": (float),      // Expected rate of degradation for skill 1.  
    "BATTERY": 0.1                  // Example of usage

// (optional) Sigma percent value for EACH path
// This section is NOT required if the field "use_stochasticity" is set to FALSE
// If the said field is set to true, then the sigma MUST be mentioned for each path
  "sigma_percent": {
      "0,0": 0,    // Sigma path for START to START
      "9,9": 0,    // Sigma path for END to END
      "0,9": [0-100] (float),
      "9,0": [0-100] (float),
      "0,1": 22.58226441484873, // Sigma path for START to task 0 (Task 0 has id of 1, and task 1 will have id of 2)
      "1,0": 22.58226441484873, // Note that even if the distance between the two tasks is same, their sigma percent values can be different

Once your json file is ready, you can parse it and get the required config file with following:

std::shared_ptr<const MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig> const mrta_config_ptr =
      MrtaJsonParser::parseJsonFile("<json file path>/<json file name>.json");

Directly using MrtaConfig

Irrespective of you use json file or not, currently you are required to have nlohmann/json library installed. Otherwise the project may not compiled. This will be fixed in future.

Here it is assumed that you already have a variable of type MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig. This struct follows the same structure and concept as the json file explained in the previous section. Follow that section to know more about the fields and variables in MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig.

To check if your created config variable is correct or not, you can use following function:

  MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig complete_config;
  // Fill data in `complete_config`

  MrtaInterface mrta_interface;
  std::shared_ptr<const MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig> const mrta_config_ptr =
      std::make_shared<const MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig>(complete_config);

  bool config_ok = mrta_interface.healthCheckConfig(mrta_config_ptr);

To debug and pring the config data, you can use any of following functions:


Getting solution

Once you have set the config file, you can get the solution with following:

  std::shared_ptr<const MrtaSolution::CompleteSolution> const solution =

You can print out the solution contents with following:


For more details on the structure of MrtaSolution, go to this section:

Config and Solution structures:


This struct follows the same structure and concept as the json file explained in the previous section. Follow that section to know more about the fields and variables in MrtaConfig::CompleteConfig.


This is how an example solution file will look like:

|---result_status : 0                 // 0 for Success and -1 for Failure
|---result_description : success      // Description of the solution result
|---maximum_robot_schedule : 50       // The maximum of all the robots' "travel time"
                                      // Here, the "travel time" is considered the 
                                      //    arrival time at the end location. 
                                      // If the `use_robot_ends` is set to FALSE:
                                      //    then this will be the time at which the 
                                      //    robot's last task was completed
|---sum_of_all_robot_schedules : 80   // The sum of all robots' "travel time"
                                      // Definition for "travel time" is the same as 
                                      //    in `maximum_robot_schedule`
|---solver_runtime : 2H:45M:18S       // The runtime for the solver to produce solution
                                      // The formatting of the time may change soon

// The map for robots' names and their task schedules
|---robot_0 :                         // Robot name
|   |---robot_id : robot_0                // Robot name (even though it is the same as 
|   |                                     //      `key`, it helps when this schedule 
|   |                                     //      object needs to be passed around)
|   |---task_sequence_map :               // Sequence in which the task will be attended
|   |   |---task_0 : 1                        // Here, it means that the robot will attend 
|   |   |                                     //      task_0 at index 1. 
|   |   |                                     // NOTE: index starts at 1, because index
|   |   |                                     //      0 is considered to be the robot's start
|   |   |                                     //      location. 
|   |---task_arrival_time_map :           // Robot's arrival time at the tasks
|   |   |---task_0 : 10                       // Here, it means that the robot should
|   |   |                                      //      arrive at the task at time 10 
|---robot_1 : 
|   |---robot_id : robot_1
|   |---task_sequence_map : 
|   |   |---task_0 : 2                        // NOTE: Here, the task_0 is also being attended
|   |   |                                     //      by this robot (in addition to robot_0)
|   |   |---task_1 : 1                        // However, this robot goes to task_1 first, then
|   |   |                                     //      goes to task_1 after completing the task.
|   |---task_arrival_time_map : 
|   |   |---task_0 : 30                       // As this robot goes to task_1 first then task_0
|   |   |---task_1 : 10                       //      the arrival time for the robot at task_0 
|   |   |                                     //      is later than task_1
|---robot_2 : 
|   |---robot_id : robot_2
|   |---task_sequence_map : 
|   |   |---task_2 : 1
|   |---task_arrival_time_map : 
|   |   |---task_2 : 10


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