The current code can be built and demoed with the following script:
Browse to http://localhost:8080/eidc/documents to see the catalogue populated with some demo records.
script accepts options and environment variables to control some of the build and run options. These include:
to enable and launch Hubbub-l
to enable and launch Legilo-f
to enable and launch Fuseki-w
to skip building the web components
Local or override environment variables can be placed in override.env
- /docs - Documentation
- /fixtures - Test data
- /java - Standard
project which powers the server side of the catalogue - /schemas - XSD Schemas which are used to validate the various output xml files
- /solr -
web application, this handles the free-text indexing and searching of the application - /templates -
templates which are used by thejava
application for generating the different metadata views - /web - Location of the web component of the project, this is mainly
style sheets
You will need to create a secrets.env
file with the following. Ask one of the dev team for access to Keypass to retrieve the jira password.
The catalogue requires a few tools:
- Java (OpenJDK)
- Git
- Docker
- Docker Compose
You will then need to log in to the Gitlab Docker Registry, nb. this uses your Gitlab username/password or token, not Crowd, if they're not the same, this might catch you out.
$ docker login
Having installed these you can then build the catalogue code base by running:
docker compose up -d --build
the EIDC catalogue is then available on:
Make sure that you have the Lombok plugin installed, if not you can download it from settings -> Plugins -> marketplace
and search for Lombok.
Check that annotation processing is enabled in settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> compiler -> Annotation processors
You can change code while the catalogue is still running using the following commands in a separate terminal or via your IDE:
cd web
npm run watch
The watch will detect any changes to the Javascript code and automatically compile.
Uncomment the following line in your docker-compose.override.yaml
Instructions on making a docker-compose.override.yml
are in docker-compose.yml
Start up the catalogue with docker-compose up --build
then connect to the docker service using the services tab in
IntelliJ. You might need to add your user to the docker user group before connecting to the service.
Now you can make changes to the front end without restarting docker and rebuilding the backend.
Note - there are many uses of JQuery's $(document).ready() function in the editor module of the frontend. Do not just remove them as they are there to prevent timing issues with views of existing documents in the editor. Unless of course you can find a better alternative.
npm run test
Karma tests are found in each module in web/scripts if you need to edit or add new tests.
For example the tests for the editor module are in web/scripts/editor/test
The Karma tests are configured in karma.conf.js
Java files will be built automatically when docker-compose up -d --build
is run.
Java unit tests can be run through IntelliJ.
Spring Profiles provide a way to segregate parts of your application configuration and make it only available in certain environments.
Any @Component or @Configuration can be marked with @Profile to limit when it is loaded.
The active profiles are configured in docker-compose.yaml
The catalogue contains the following Spring profiles:
The development profile runs code that is only available when developing such as the
which makes testing code locally easier as it allows the user access to more user permissions.
Allows the user to upload their documents using
when upload:simple
is active or the Hubbub API which
interfaces with when upload:hubbub
is active.
The server profile e.g. server:eidc
decides which catalogue you will use and which documents that you will use with it. For example the EIDC catalogue will use Gemini documents.
Select which algorithm Solr uses to search for documents.
Allows the user to create online service agreements for datasets.
Creates the embedded sqlite database for the metric reporting.
In the web directory run
npm install -g grunt-cli
will run a process that watches the less directories and recompiles the files on any changes.
If you need to add a new document type to the catalogue like extend your new class with and configure it in the following classes:,, and For an example of how to do this Look at how the GeminiDocuments are configured in each of these classes.
Multiple catalogues are supported by this software.
A catalogue has its own:
- search page
- style
- editor and publisher groups
- metadata records
- document types
A catalogue can reuse existing metadata content by linking to public metadata in another catalogue using the Link document type.
The catalogue is designed to sit behind a Security Proxy
see RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter which acts as the authentication source for the application. Therefore, the catalogue will respond to the Remote-User
header and handle requests as the specified user.
To simplify development, the DevelopmentUserStoreConfig
is applied by default. This creates some dummy users in various different groups which you can masquerade as using the Dev Bar at the top of the page.
Other users are configured in DevelopmentUserStoreConfig for the different catalogues.
Getting everything running
Minimum configuration needed in docker-compose.override.yml
version: "3.7"
image: nginx:latest
- web
- "8080:8080"
- "8081:8081"
- ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
restart: always
build: .
- solr
- ./templates:/opt/ceh-catalogue/templates
- ./web/scripts/dist/main.bundle.js:/opt/ceh-catalogue/static/scripts/main.bundle.js
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.hubbub.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d --build
Postgres database needs the schema creating.
Checkout the Hubbub git repo, there is a script to create the schema.
In the Hubbub repo project directory
. venv/bin/activate python -m migration.schema --user gardener --password cabbages
Import the
file into the database -
Back in the Catalogue project import
- Run
npm run test-server
to recompilehubbub.budnle.js
on code changes and run tests.npm run watch
if you just want the code to recompile on changes
- You will need access to the EIDCHELP Jira project to run the app.
- The Busy Buzy Bumblebees upload page has a Jira issue in the EIDCHELP project
- Set the requests header
remote-user: uploader
to see page as a data depositor. Orremote-user: superadmin
to see it as data centre staff.
The following notes are left over from the old map viewer which may come in use which is why I have left them in.
All requests for maps go through our catalogue api as TMS coordinates (i.e. z, x, y). When a map request comes in, the catalogue api transforms the z, x, y coordinates into a wms GetMap request in the EPSG:3857 projection system. This is the projection system which is used by Google Maps style web mapping applications.
The Catalogue api will gracefully handle certain upstream mapping failures. These failures will be represented as images so that they can be displayed by the normal mapping application.
Below are the images which are displayed and there meaning:
Displayed when a Legend image is requested but one has not been specified in the GetCapabilities
The call to the server failed for some unspecified reason, this may be because the connection failed.
The upstream service returned some content, but it was not in the format which was expected. It maybe that the upstream service replied with an error message rather than an image.
The wms get capabilities returned a malformed reference to either a GetLegend or GetMap url. This can happen if you are using a buggy web map server or a corrupt external get capabilities.
The logging level of individual components can be controlled by adding them to the service's environment in the docker-compose.override.yml, like the following: