Releases: NEONScience/eddy4R
eddy4R 1.3.1: Aligning release strategy between NEON-FIU-algorithm and eddy4R
Aligning release strategy between NEON-FIU-algorithm and eddy4R. The 1.3.1 release on NEON-FIU-algorithm was used for the 2023 NEON data release.
- def.irga.vali.cor - Updated the slope filter to allow for values not evenly centered around 1
- def.irga.vali.thsh.R – updating data check to fail if one list is entirely NA, or if both lists have only one value
- wrap.irga.vali.R - setting corrected data to NaN if qfEvalThsh is -1 to prevent bad data passing through if the evaluation doesn't run
- def.hdf5.wrte.dp01.api.R - update L1 IS reingest to use SOM package API download function
- wrap.dp01.ecse.R - changed CritTime (flush time) and input aggregation time for isoCo2
- wrap.dp01.qfqm.ecse.R - changed CritTime (flush time) and input aggregation time for isoCo2
eddy4R-Docker 1.0.1
Accompanying the manuscript:
Metzger, S., E. Ayres, D. Durden, C. Florian, R. Lee, C. Lunch, H. Luo, N. Pingintha-Durden, J.A. Roberti, M. SanClements, C. Sturtevant, K. Xu, and R.C. Zulueta, 2019: From NEON Field Sites to Data Portal: A Community Resource for Surface–Atmosphere Research Comes Online. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 2305–2325,
this patch release triggers DOI creation on Zenodo
code contents are identical to eddy4R-Docker 1.0.0
eddy4R-Docker 1.0.0
Accompanying the manuscript:
Metzger, S., E. Ayres, D. Durden, C. Florian, R. Lee, C. Lunch, H. Luo, N. Pingintha-Durden, J.A. Roberti, M. SanClements, C. Sturtevant, K. Xu, and R.C. Zulueta, 2019: From NEON Field Sites to Data Portal: A Community Resource for Surface–Atmosphere Research Comes Online. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 2305–2325,
eddy4R-Docker 0.2.0
Accompanying the manuscript "eddy4R 0.2.0: A DevOps model for community-extensible processing and analysis of eddy-covariance data based on R, Git, Docker and HDF5" in Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)
initial release
Accompanying the manuscript "eddy4R: A community-extensible processing, analysis and modeling framework for eddy-covariance data based on R, Git, Docker and HDF5" in Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (GMDD)