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adding layouts directory with theme modifications from default ananke…
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these files change the font, width, and color of some columns
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jeanetteclark committed Oct 23, 2019
1 parent 5134a6b commit 0c237ca
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Showing 7 changed files with 217 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions layouts/_default/list.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{{ define "main" }}
<article class="pa3 pa4-ns nested-copy-line-height nested-img">
<section class="cf ph3 ph5-l pv3 pv4-l f4 center measure-wide lh-copy mid-gray">
{{- .Content -}}
<section class="flex-ns flex-wrap justify-around mt5">
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
<div class="relative w-100 w-70-l mb4 bg-white">
{{- partial "summary.html" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{- template "_internal/pagination.html" . -}}
{{ end }}
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions layouts/_default/single.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{{ define "header" }}
{{/* We can override any block in the baseof file be defining it in the template */}}
{{ partial "page-header.html" . }}
{{ end }}

{{ define "main" }}
{{ $section := .Site.GetPage "section" .Section }}
<article class="flex-l flex-wrap justify-between w-90 center ph3">

<header class="mt4 w-100">
<p class="f6 b avenir tracked">
CurrentSection allows us to use the section title instead of inferring from the folder.
{{with .CurrentSection.Title }}{{. | upper }}{{end}}
<h1 class="f1 avenir mb1">
{{- .Title -}}
{{ with }}
<p class="tracked">
By <strong>{{ . | markdownify }}</strong>
{{ end }}
{{/* Hugo uses Go's date formatting is set by example. Here are two formats */}}
<time class="f6 mv4 dib tracked" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}">
{{- .Date.Format "January 2, 2006" -}}
Show "reading time" and "word count" but only if one of the following are true:
1) A global config `params` value is set `show_reading_time = true`
2) A section front matter value is set `show_reading_time = true`
3) A page front matter value is set `show_reading_time = true`
{{ if (or (eq (.Param "show_reading_time") true) (eq $section.Params.show_reading_time true) )}}
<span class="f6 mv4 dib tracked"> - {{ .ReadingTime}} minutes read</span>
<span class="f6 mv4 dib tracked"> - {{ .WordCount}} words</span>
{{ end }}

<section class="nested-copy-line-height lh-copy avenir f4 nested-links nested-img mid-gray pr4-l w-two-thirds-l">
{{- .Content -}}
{{- partial "tags.html" . -}}
<div class="mt6">
{{ if .Site.DisqusShortname }}
{{ template "_internal/disqus.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.commentoEnable }}
{{- partial "commento.html" . -}}
{{ end }}

<aside class="w-30-l mt6-l">
{{- partial "menu-contextual.html" . -}}

{{ end }}
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions layouts/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
{{ define "main" }}
<article class="cf ph3 ph5-l pv3 pv4-l f4 center lh-copy">
{{ .Content }}
{{/* Define a section to pull recent posts from. For Hugo 0.20 this will default to the section with the most number of pages. */}}
{{ $mainSections := .Site.Params.mainSections | default (slice "post") }}
{{/* Create a variable with that section to use in multiple places. */}}
{{ $section := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "in" $mainSections }}
{{/* Check to see if the section is defined for ranging through it */}}
{{ $section_count := len $section }}
{{ if ge $section_count 1 }}
{{/* Derive the section name */}}
{{ $section_name := index (.Site.Params.mainSections) 0 }}

<div class="pa3 pa4-ns w-100 w-100-ns left">
{{/* Use $section_name to get the section title. Use "with" to only show it if it exists */}}
{{ with .Site.GetPage "section" $section_name }}
<h1 class="flex-none">
{{ $.Param "recent_copy" | default (i18n "recentTitle" .) }}
{{ end }}

{{ $n_posts := $.Param "recent_posts_number" | default 3 }}

<section class="w-100 mw8">
{{/* Range through the first $n_posts items of the section */}}
{{ range (first $n_posts $section) }}
<div class="relative w-100 mb4">
{{ partial "summary-with-image.html" . }}
{{ end }}

{{ if ge $section_count (add $n_posts 1) }}
<section class="w-100">
<h1 class="f3">{{ i18n "more" }}</h1>
{{/* Now, range through the next four after the initial $n_posts items. Nest the requirements, "after" then "first" on the outside */}}
{{ range (first 4 (after $n_posts $section)) }}
<h2 class="f5 fw4 mb4 dib mr3">
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="link black dim">
{{ .Title }}
{{ end }}

{{/* As above, Use $section_name to get the section title, and URL. Use "with" to only show it if it exists */}}
{{ with .Site.GetPage "section" $section_name }}
<a href="{{ .URL }}" class="link db f6 pa2 br3 bg-mid-gray white dim w4 tc">{{ i18n "allTitle" . }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ end }}
{{ end }}
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions layouts/page/single.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{{ define "header" }}{{ partial "page-header.html" . }}{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="flex-l mt2 w-90 center">
<article class="center cf pv5 ph3 ph4-ns w-90">
<p class="f6 b avenir tracked">
{{ humanize .Section | upper }}
<h1 class="f1">
{{ .Title }}
<div class="nested-copy-line-height lh-copy f4 nested-links nested-img mid-gray">
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions layouts/partials/summary-with-image.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{{ $featured_image := .Params.featured_image }}
<article class="bb b--black-10">
<div class="db pv4 ph3 ph0-l no-underline dark-gray">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns">
{{ if .Params.featured_image }}
{{/* Trimming the slash and adding absURL make sure the image works no matter where our site lives */}}
{{ $featured_image := (trim $featured_image "/") | absURL }}
<div class="pr3-ns mb4 mb0-ns w-100 w-40-ns">
<a href="{{.URL}}" class="db grow">
<img src="{{ $featured_image }}" class="img" alt="image from {{ .Title }}">
{{ end }}
<div class="blah w-100{{ if .Params.featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<h1 class="f3 fw1 avenir mt0 lh-title">
<a href="{{.URL}}" class="color-inherit dim link">
{{ .Title }}
<div class="f6 f5-l lh-copy nested-copy-line-height nested-links">
{{ .Summary }}
<a href="{{.URL}}" class="ba b--moon-gray bg-light-gray br2 color-inherit dib f7 hover-bg-moon-gray link mt2 ph2 pv1">{{ $.Param "read_more_copy" | default (i18n "readMore") }}</a>
{{/* TODO: add author
<p class="f6 lh-copy mv0">By {{ .Author }}</p> */}}
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions layouts/post/list.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{{ define "main" }}
This template is the same as the default and is here to demonstrate that if you have a content directory called "post" you can create a layouts directory, just for that section.
<article class="pa3 pa4-ns nested-copy-line-height nested-img">
<section class="cf ph3 ph5-l pv3 pv4-l f4 tc-l center measure-wide lh-copy mid-gray">
{{ .Content }}
<aside class="flex-ns flex-wrap justify-around mt5">
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
<div class="relative w-100 w-70-l mb4 bg-white">
Note we can use `.Render` here for items just in this section, instead of a partial to pull in items for the list page.
{{ .Render "summary" }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}
{{ end }}
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions layouts/post/summary-with-image.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<article class="bb b--black-10">
<a class="db pv4 ph3 ph0-l no-underline dark-gray dim" href="{{ .URL }}">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row-ns">
{{ if .Params.featured_image }}
<div class="pr3-ns mb4 mb0-ns w-100 w-40-ns">
<img src="{{ .Params.featured_image }}" class="db" alt="image from {{ .Title }}">
{{ end }}
<div class="w-100{{ if .Params.featured_image }} w-60-ns pl3-ns{{ end }}">
<h1 class="f3 fw1 avenir mt0 lh-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
<div class="f6 f5-l lh-copy nested-copy-line-height">
{{ .Summary }}
{{/* TODO: add author
<p class="f6 lh-copy mv0">By {{ .Author }}</p> */}}

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