Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Capabilities in DART
Adds a Quantile-Conserving Ensemble Filtering Framework (QCEFF) to DART.
Publications: QCEFF part1, QCEFF part 2, QCEFF part3 -
The default QCEFF options are EAKF, normal distribution (no bounds).
User interface changes:
filter_kind is now a per-qty option through QCEFF table, not a namelist option
Two new required namelists (add to input.nml files):
- probit_transform_nml
- algorithm_info_nml
assim_tools_mod namelist:
- filter_kind removed from namelist
- sort_obs_inc namelist option applied to ENKF only, so default is now .true.
is not supported in this version
algorithm_info_mod QCEFF options read at runtime from .csv or .txt file
New probability distribution modules:
beta_distribution_mod contributed by Chris Riedel
bnrh_distribution_mod (bounded normal rank histogram)
Update to lorenz_96_tracer_advection:
- positive_tracer
- more tracer namelist options available and changed defaults
- updated perturbation routine
- bug-fix: real(r8) rather than real(i8)
Fix: obs_def_1d_state_mod (oned forward operators):
- For non-integer powers, fix up values for negative bases
- main page section on Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Capabilities in DART
- QCEFF instructions: Quantile-Conserving Ensemble Filter Framework
- Example to work through: QCEFF: Examples with the Lorenz 96 Tracer Model