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- 20201021076 《Windows原理与应用》
- 20201021952 《Windows原理与应用》
“Windows Principle and Its Applications” is a course of teaching general purpose windows programming knowledge to develop software system running on Windows platform, via different programming languages that supports various computer programming models such as object-oriented programming and generic programming. Its main purpose is to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the Windows platform programmer.
By learning this course, you will be training with up-to-date technology, including uwp, fluent design, c++/winRt, c#/winRt etc, to create stunning modern windows applications, using a suite of collaborative tools. These learning opportunities can help you get started quickly — from exploration to deep training.
Instructor: Professor Jicheng Hu
主讲教师: 胡继承 教授
slides and resource for the course "principle of windows and its applications"
本课程采用 git 作为项目管理工具并管理课程相关教学、训练及练习资源。 建议大家以 github 作为主要的远程仓库方便获取丰富的程序员社区资源, 而将 gitee 作为备份远程仓库来备份源码以备不时之需。尽量同时采用 github 与 gitee 来保存个人的源码及编码资源。
git 下载地址
从上述官网下载 git 的最新版本进行缺省安装即可。
使用 git 工具来管理项目, 通常会使用 SSH 来连接代码仓库。win10 下如何 安装 SSH client 参见:
生成并使用 ssh-key:
同步本地仓库到 github 与 gitee 的方法参见:
github extension 的安装参见教学幻灯片。
事实上 github extension 已经可以涵盖 gitee extension 的作用。 gitee 的 VS extension 下载地址:
basic git command
pull request
C++/winRT refs Rust/winRT refs
Grading in this course is intended to be fair and objectively measure your performance as much as possible. Wuhan University regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of laboratory notebook records) as serious offenses against the values of intellectual honesty.
Penalty for Academic Dishonesty:
- grade penalty: final grade is of 0 grade-point
- Create a personal fork
- Clone the fork on your local machine
- Create a new feature branch Feat_xxx
- Make a commit
- Create new Pull Request
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