Takes an html string as input and converts it to the json format of knowledge document variation content, which can be used in the Genesys Knowledge API: https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/api-explorer#post-api-v2-knowledge-knowledgebases--knowledgeBaseId--documents--documentId--variations
Please, note that this library is not stable yet and expect changes in how we translate html to the AST of the API. The code was extracted from the Knowledge Articles editor UI that converts the output of the html editor in the UI to the knowledge AST and we are still working on enhancing the code to better deal with html coming from an external source.
npm install knowledge-html-converter
import { convertHtmlToBlocks } from 'knowledge-html-converter';
const documentBodyBlocks = convertHtmlToBlocks('<html><body><p>Document content</p></body></html>');
This will convert html to blocks with default options, If needed you can customize the options
const documentBodyBlocks = convertHtmlToBlocks('<html><body><p>Document content</p></body></html>', { handleWidthWithUnits: true, baseFontSize: 32 });
NOTE: The package is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.
The value of documentBodyBlocks
will be:
"type": "Paragraph",
"paragraph": {
"blocks": [
"type": "Text",
"text": {
"text": "Document content"
"properties": {
"fontType": "Paragraph"
The json array returned by convertHtmlToBlocks
can be used as the value of the body.blocks
property in document variation create and update requests. For example:
fetch('https://api.mypurecloud.com/api/v2/knowledge/knowledgeBases/<kb-id>/documents/<doc-id>/variations/<variation-id>', {
method: 'PATCH',
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer <token>',
body: JSON.stringify({
body: {
blocks: [
"type": "Paragraph",
"paragraph": {
"blocks": [
"type": "Text",
"text": {
"text": "Document content"
"properties": {
"fontType": "Paragraph"
handleWidthWithUnits: false,
baseFontSize: 16
hyperlinkBaseUrl: ''
1 | handleWidthWithUnits | false | If set true, handles the table width with unit. Sample output will be ' width: 100, widthUnit: "Percentage" '. |
2 | baseFontSize | 16 | The default text size in a browser is 16px. So for the default size, 16px is converted to 1em. If you need to override the default font-size, use this option like 'baseFontSize : 32'. For the option 'baseFontSize : 32', the conversion will be 32px to 1em. |
3 | hyperlinkBaseUrl | '' | Relative hyperlink paths will be extended to absolute with the base url |
Node v16, npm v8.
npm run prepare
Installs husky to run precommit hooks: eslint, prettier. See .husky/pre-commit and "lint-staged"
in package.json.
npm test
Filtering test cases: tests use Mocha, describe
or it
can be suffixed with .only
. For example: describe.only('suite name', ...);
or it.only('test name', ...);
Test coverage:
npm run coverage
The coverage report can be found at coverage/index.html