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Andrey edited this page Oct 1, 2024 · 2 revisions


Ignores field from SQL rendering

pub struct WhereDto {

 pub dt_from: Option<DateTimeAsMicroseconds>,



Ignores field from SQL rendering if the value of the field is none

pub struct WhereDto {

 pub dt_from: Option<DateTimeAsMicroseconds>,



If you column name is the same as reserved word - use this attribute to make sure it wrapped to quotes during SQL rendering

SELECT column_name FROM xxxx // without #[wrap_column_name]

SELECT 'column_name' FROM xxxx // with #[wrap_column_name]


the text value of the table cell can be deserialized into JSON

pub struct MyDto {

 pub dt_from: String,



When the SQL renderer renders select columns, one of the columns can be replaced by whatever is set into #[sql] attribute

pub struct StatisticsDto {
    pub count: i32,
    pub asset_id: String,


If the column name is different from the struct name - db_field_name can be used to map them

pub struct WhereDto<'s> {

    #[db_field_name(name = "dt")]
    pub dt_to: Option<DateTimeAsMicroseconds>,



Can be used as a part WhereDbModel only to give access to a field inside json field

pub struct TestWhereModel {
    pub my_json_field: String,

Generates SQL similar to


As well it's possible to have access to the second, third etc levels of json object

pub struct TestWhereModel {
    pub my_json_field: String,

Generates SQL similar to

"my_json_field"->'field_name'->>'next_level' =$1
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