Application to process data coming in from detector stations.
The main goal is to calculate coincidences on the fly. The calculation itself is not complicated though it requires supporting infrastructure. This infrastructure includes the classification of detector stations as reliable or unreliable to maintain a good level for the quality of the incoming data.
It uses an event-driven pipeline design and can theoretically use a wide variety of input sources and ouput sinks. Currently implemented is only a MQTT input source and MQTT, InfluxDB and an ascii output sinks.
Dependencies are
boost system
boost program_options
boost beast
Consult your distributions package manager to discover how to install those dependencies.
Build dependencies are
For compiling, it is recommended to use an out-of-source build directory. Here it is assumed the build directory is on the same directory level as the cloned repository. Execute the following commands in order to compile the processor.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../detector-network-processor -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
This will result in the executable being written to output/bin
in the build directory.
Simply execute
make install
in the build directory.
In the case of debian based distributions you can optionally also build a package for easy installation. In order to do so, run
in the build directory. The debian package will be created in output/packages
in the build directory.
Install it via
apt install ./<package_name>.deb
In order to see all configuration options, see the file config/detector-network-processor.cfg
. Upon installation, this file will be written to /etc/muondetector/detector-network-processor.cfg
Edit this file to your needs.
Commandline options are
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-o [ --offline ] Do not send processed data to the
-d [ --debug ] Use the ascii sinks for debugging.
-l [ --local ] Run the cluser as a local instance
-v [ --verbose ] arg (=0) Verbosity level
-c [ --config ] arg (=/etc/muondetector/detector-network-processor.cfg)
Specify a configuration file to use
It is recommended to use the service file provided with the software, it should have been placed in the appropriate directory upon installation. Enable and start it with
systemctl enable --now detector-network-processor
However, you can also run the software without using the service file.