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Marlin Muon ID Processor

This Marlin processor implements a simple muon identification algorithm, matching tracks to hits in the outer muon detectors:

  • tracks are extrapolated to the electromagnetic calorimeter inner surface;
  • a cone is opened along the particle's flight direction;
  • hits within the cone are matched to the track.

The identified muons are saved in a ReconstructedParticle collection.

The processor is configured as follows:

muonID = MarlinProcessorWrapper("MarlinMuonID")
muonID.OutputLevel = WARNING 
muonID.ProcessorType = "MarlinMuonID" 
muonID.Parameters = {
    "InputTrackCollection": ["SiTracks"],
    "InputMuonHitCollection": ["Muon_digi"],
    "OutputMuonCollection": ["RecoMuons"],
    "DeltaRMatch": ["0.2", "0.3"], # for barrel and endcaps
    "NHitsMatch": ["4"],