Repository containing models based on ideas of Machine learning and Deep learning. List of files:
Simple Sequential Model
- Uses randomly generated trainin set (10% of which is used in validation set) and test data
- Shows final predictions in a confusion matrix
Cat and Dog Classifier - Convolution Neural Network
- Uses a data set of 1300 images (1000 for training set, 200 for validation set, 100 for test set) randomly picked out of a larger data set of 25000 images
- Image Data: (25000 images of cats and dogs)
- Model experiences overfitting and needs to be improved
- Model has not been tested for now due to overfitting on the training set
Cat and Dog Classifier 2.0 [using existing model] - Convolution Neural Network
- Trains existing model VGG16 (with some alterations)
- Uses data prepeartion used in the previous upload (Cat and Dog Classifier - Convolution Neural Network)
- Highly accurate model with no overfitting
Image Classification [using existing model] - MobileNet
- Importing a pre-trained model and testing its ability of identify sample images
- This model is broader than the Cat and Dog Classifiers previously uploaded
- It tells percentage of possible assumptions of an object present in an image provided to it
Sign Language Digits Classification [using fine tuned existing model] - MobileNet
- Uses dataset
- Makes use of pre-existing model
Data Augmentation
- Creates data from a single image to be processed by a neural network
- Image is rotated, flipped, shifted e.t.c to produce a set of more images
First Neural Network with Keras API
- Uses randomly generated dataset (90% test data, 10% validation data)
- View blog post:
- Shows final predictions in a confusion matrix