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  • Summary: The Mother of All Mini-Games
  • Dependency Plugins: n/a
  • PocketMine-MP version: 1.4 - API 1.10.0
  • DependencyPlugins: -
  • OptionalPlugins: -
  • Categories: Fun
  • Plugin Access: Commands, Entities, Item/Blocks


Let's you play a simulation of the old PC game Scorched Earth.


  • rpg [fuse speed|short|long|fast]
  • fire [fuse speed|short|long|fast]
  • dumdum [yield magic|off]
  • akira [yield=##] [magic] [delay=ticks]


WARNING: This game is very destructive to world maps.

Let's you play a game similar to Scorched Earth.


You need to have a bow, at least one arrow and as many TNT's as you can muster.

Equip the bow. And then enter the command:

/rpg fast

Activates the RPG with default settings. Now start shooting your bow. Instead of arrows, you will find Primed TNTs.

With this you can play a Scorched Earth. like game.

Looking up or down controls the angle of elevation (thus the distance fired).

You can tweak the grenade by optionally specifying an initial fuse and a speed setting.

The game is played with two or more players in different locations in the map, and they trade shots until only one remains.

The fuse is the time (in ticks) that the grenade will explode. Be careful of using very short fuses. The speed is the initial speed of the grenade. Faster means the TNT will travel farther.

Exploding Arrows

You need a bow and arrows. Equip the bow and enter the command:


Activates exploding arrows. Arrows will explode on impact. You can change the explosion characteristics:

/dumdum yield magic

The yield controls how large the explosion is going to be. If you use magic the explosion will kill entities/players but will not cause physical damage to the world.


To place a mine you need to stack a TNT block on top of a Nether Reactor Block. The Nether Reactor acts as a detonator/sensor. You can place an additional block on top of this contraption and it would still work. This is to hide the mine.

When a player passes on top of the mine, it will explode.

Entities may moving on top of the mine may also explode as long as the EntityMotionEvent is fired. This is not always the case, depending on the EntityManager that you are using.


Will generate an explosion out of nothing. Do not use this lightly.


  short: [ 30, 0.5 ]
  long: [ 80, 1.0 ]
  fast: [ 20, 1.0 ]
  failure: 385
  rate: 0.5
  usage: 5
  max-speed: 4.0
  min-speed: 0.5
  max-fuse: 120
  min-fuse: 10
  max-yield: 5
  default-yield: 3
  default-magic: false
  forced-magic: false
  no-magic: false
  rpg-yield: 4
  rpg-magic: false
  rpg-noexplode: 0.10
  mines: true
  block1: 46
  block2: 247
  yield: 5
  magic: false
  • presets contains config values for the rpg command.
  • failure is the max damage level for the bow
  • rate is the chance that the bow will fail
  • usage is the bow wear and tear
  • max-speed is the max speed configurable
  • min-speed is the min speed configurable
  • max-fuse is the max fuse configurable
  • min-fuse is the min fuse configurable
  • default-yield default yield configuration for exploding arrows
  • max-yield max yield for exploding arrows. Large yields cause lag!
  • default-magic, arrows are magic by default
  • forced-magic, arrows are always magical
  • no-magic, arrows can not be magical
  • rpg-yield, explosion yield for grenades
  • rpg-magic, if true, rpgs will be magic.
  • rpg-noexplode, probability that the RPG will fail to explode.
  • mines, enables the mines functionality
    • block1 : The mine block (TNT)
    • block2 : The detonator block (Nether Reactor)
    • yield : Force of the explosion
    • magic : Magical mine

Permission Nodes:

  • - access to rpgs
  • scorched.cmd.dumdums - access to exploding arrows
  • scorched.cmd.akira - Create an explosion!


  • Shotgun : shoots multiple arrows in one go


  • 1.4.1 : CallbackTask Removed CallbackTask deprecation message.
  • 1.4.0 :
    • Added /akira.
    • Make it so Mine and Arrow explosions can be caught by Anti-Grief plugins.
  • 1.3.0 : Dum Dums
    • Adds exploding arrows
    • Configure RPG yield and magic, also chance that RPG will not explode
    • Added mines
  • 1.2.0 : Fun and games
    • Bows suffer wear and tear... the more damaged the bow, the higher the risk that it will misfired (exploding in your face!)
    • Configurable stuff
  • 1.1.0 : Playability improvements
  • 1.0.0 : First release


Copyright (C) 2015 Alejandro Liu
All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.